Broken Ram

When Ram came home, his beloved wife was not there to see.His brother was in hide.Ram was looking for them for days.He was thinking she might have taken by wildings.He was crying for her.He was worried that he couldnt give her a comfortable life before she die.He decided to go back to his father.There he got to know that Ravan had kidnapped his wife in revenge of Lakshmans fault.

Ram was struggling to find Lakshman.He got Lakshman and two brothers had a huge fight.After the quarrel they both decided to go in search of Sita.

Ram wanted to apologise Ravan and Suparni .But what was done was done.He sent his loyal captain Hanuman of the monkey clan with the note of apologise .

Hanuman came to Rams father from a neighboring country.He had his own soldiers .They were clever people with small slanting eyes,dark hair and white skin.Their fighting style was after monkeys.

Hanuman went to ceylon with his group.They were stopped at the foreign reception city.They were not taken in to the citadel.They were treated in due respect of a diplomat group.Ravan did not personaly meet Hanuman instead he sent a statue of Sita to hand over to Ram.Hanuman couldnt accept the reality of this message.He wanted to see Sita personally.

Hanuman was a tallented soldier .He studied the security of the citadel and found its weakened point.

He reached Sita after many attempts and killings.

He learned the true story behind the statue and offered Sita to come with him.But Sita refused his offer and demanded that untill Ram himself comea for her she would not move.Hanuman wanted to show Ravan that he was not perfect in safeguarding his city, he made fires on every roof in Ravans city.

Ram couldnt bear the pain when he saw the statue .The snake of suspicion who halfly died years ago was risen killing all the memories of good virtue of his beloved wife.He could relate every possible mmemory of Sita to the infidelity.His grudge made him furious .He declared war against Ceylon ,Ravan and Sita.