Ch. 34 Is This Love?

Richard had just finished meeting with a business partner in Japan when he heard the sound of someone's footsteps.

Richard opened his laptop to check his home cctv camera and saw his wife walking towards the back of the house. 

What time is it? The sky outside was starting to clear up a bit, so he guessed it was still around four in the morning. He wondered why his wife woke up so early, unaware that Anxia had very little sleep.

Richard felt anxious at the thought of the possibility that his wife would try to go by boat in the back.

He remembered his father's warning yesterday afternoon. He was not surprised when his father immediately scolded and lectured him for making Anxia his wife without telling anyone. If only Anxia were an ordinary girl, maybe Stanley wouldn't be so angry. The problem is, Anxia is not an ordinary girl but a trained assassin.