Ch. 54 Richard Is Enraged

Richard assumed as long as Anxia didn't get in touch with her co-workers, he could enter the woman's stone-like heart. But now... he doubted he could do it.

What his father said was true. Bringing a trained assistant into the family was a reckless and dangerous act.

"What do you want? Let me go!"

Richard closed his eyes to calm his emotions without letting go of his grip on Anxia's hand.

"Qiao Anxia,"

Hearing the way the man called her name in a cold voice sent chills down Anxia's spine. She didn't know what made him angry, but she knew well that she would be at a huge disadvantage if he got mad at her.

"I will make you pay for this."

Ha? What? What had she done? Thought Anxia with confusion filled her eyes. Yet, Richard released his grip and headed out of the room without even giving Anxia a chance to respond.

Anxia rubbed her wrist, which now had red marks wrapped around it like a bracelet.