Ch. 67 Anxia's Determination

At exactly two in the morning, Anxia got out of bed slowly so as not to wake her daughter, who was fast asleep. She didn't understand why Richard let Lori sleep with her instead of sleeping in her own room. But at least she could be with her daughter one last time before she left this place.

Anxia entered the changing room, which was only a few steps from her bed. This dressing room door was a sliding entrance, making a faint sound when she slid it.

Luckily her daughter didn't wake up because of small noises, so Anxia didn't have to worry about waking her up when she opened the locker room door.

Anxia walked in and looked at the neatly arranged clothes on each hanger attached to the wall. There were dresses, nightgowns, and casual attire, and the closet also had sexy lingerie and underwear piled on one wall.