Ch. 72 Good Morning

It was Anxia who woke up first the next morning. Her body tensed up as she felt something pressing against her.

Is she tied up? Did the enemy capture her? But no one got her last night, except Richard caged her in some islands.

Anxia raised her head to get a closer look at the person who had tied her up, and her breath caught when she felt her lips barely touch her husband's.

Anxia tried to recall everything that happened last night and just remembered that she had slept in Richard's room.

Anxia's body immediately relaxed after recalling everything that happened last night.

She never thought she would cry in front of Richard and even pour out all the feelings that had depressed her for the past two days.

The man unexpectedly listened attentively and let her hit him without resisting.

Anxia slightly tilted her head to see her husband's face more clearly.