Ch. 106 Anxia's Sweetness

"Kenken, your new product is so boring. Are your development division people doing right?"

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?"

"Look at where we are. We can defeat these creeps in no time."

"Richie, it's only because we have a high-level avatar."

"Still, it's too easy. Besides, why are there no monsters here at all? We can pass through without lifting a finger."

"You won't say that after this. This floor has an epic-tier monster and is different from other creeps, and it has..." before Kendrich could continue his explanation, an ear-splitting cursed escape from Richard.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" Without warning, Richard's avatar's hp lessened drastically until it was half. Knowing what had happened with Richard's avatar, the other four avatars spun around quickly to see what kind of monster had attacked Richard.

Diego's avatar character was a priest who could heal wounds so he could boost Richard's blood to full again.