Ch. 109 Anxia Seek Forgiveness

(Back to early in the morning)

"Xia Xia, can't you forget the past? Michelle is my sister-in-law, which means she is also your family."

Anxia tried to get up from her husband's lap, but Richard held her so she couldn't escape his husband's grip. "Richard, if someone hurt your mother and you found the culprit, would you just let it go?"

"Of course not. But you know well that Michelle wasn't the culprit. It was..."

"Are you going to forget that?" Anxia cut in without giving Richard a chance to continue his words. "What if you knew someone was going to hurt Harmonie or Raymond? Would you keep quiet?"

"..." Richard was silent for a few moments listening to his wife's questions. "Xia Xia, what do you want to say?"

"What if Michelle plans to hurt Lori?"

"Qiao Anxia. Michelle is not you; she wouldn't be vengeful and hurt a child."