Ch. 132 Anxia Is Timid?

Richard opened the driver's door and saw his wife looking at their little daughter, who was still fast asleep in the passenger seat. He sat on the footrest while his hands rested comfortably on Anxia's thighs.

Anxia turned towards her husband and was greeted with a fast rhythmic heartbeat when she saw her husband's eyes filled with love.

When she faced Quinn, she was a sadistic demoness, making anyone wish they were never born. But when she was with Richard, Anxia turned timid, shy girl and couldn't control her pounding heart when her husband looked at her like this. Anxia coughed a few times awkwardly to calm her pounding heart, then reached into the small bottle filled with the blue liquid she had stolen before she came to kidnap Quinn.

"What should I do with this? I don't know if it's the right one or if she tried anything funny to fool me."

"Let's go back first. Then we'll find out."