Ch. 169 Danger Lurks Around

Bang ... Bang ... Bang ...

Anxia could hear several gunshots surrounding her―she could hear a body crashing to the ground. Strangely, her ear caught another 'thump' over and over again.

That gunshot should have been hitting her, and she fell to the ground. But why is she still conscious and hearing these gunshots and thumping voices?

Her eyelids fluttered, exposing her killer eyes―widened in disbelief at what she saw. The dozen people who had attacked her now lay lifelessly on the ground with bloody small holes in their heads. None survived, and Anxia was alone, standing in the middle of the corpse.

Anxia shifted her eyes to Xuemin, still holding a medium-sized gun with a platinum color and a black trigger. That man really was something―his deadly aim never missed his target.

"Why?" Why did Xuemin kill his comrade and let her live?