Ch. 175 The Past (2)

"Jie Jie? Anxia opened Michele's bedroom door, then walked over to her sister, who looked comfortable lying on her bed.

"Sob. Xiao Xia doesn't love me anymore. Xiao Xia will leave me."

Little Anxia pressed her lips―her chest felt tight for some reason, and her heart ached when she heard her sister's heartbreaking sob. If possible, Anxia didn't want to leave this house―if possible, she wanted to get out of Master Yu's clutches and live among the Wongs like this.

Even though Mr. and Mrs. Wong weren't her biological parents, Anxia could still feel their sincere familial love. But what could a child like her do? If Anxia insisted on staying here, there was a possibility that Master Yu would injure this family.

Anxia crawled on the bed until she came face to face with Michele. She lifted Michele's hand so she could get between her sister's hands to squeeze their bodies together. Anxia wrapped her tiny arms across Michele's stomach and hugged her sister.