Ch. 180 Richard's Restlessness

Anxia was already astonished by her husband's strange behavior, and it was unusual for the man to look uncomfortable like this, as if Richard had done something wrong. She tried to remember what had made her husband uneasy, and she realized that Richard was starting to turn uncomfortable when he heard about the invitation.

However, Raymond and Harmonie behaved normally and had no problem accepting an invitation from one of their mother-in-law's stepbrothers, which further confused Anxia.

Then she heard the name 'Andrew' in the middle of their conversation, and strangely, it sounded familiar.

"Do you still not want to meet Quinn?"

That's when the image of the memory she had forgotten just surfaced in her head.

Andrew Heinest.

Anxia recalled Richard asking Andrew for help when Quinn took their daughter away and poisoned her baby. If Andrew was Quinn's older brother and Leo was Andrew's father, that means…