Ch. 193 The Siblings' Fight (part 1)

In the afternoon, Anxia, Michele, and Harmonie started to doll up with the help of a make-up artist that Madeline had provided to serve them. Their dresses were already hanging neatly in the rows of clothes they would wear later.

Anxia would wear a semi-modern red dress with a semi-modern Asian style that extended to her toes. The dress had small sleeves up to the shoulders and had a floral pattern of a combination of black, red, and gold colors adorning the top―the lower part was plain but decorated with delicate lace.

Michele's dress was plain navy blue without any print, while Harmonie's dress was knee-length rose gold with a longer back skirt than the front.

Different make-up artists dressed up the three in the same room. Then, Anxia opened up a topic that caught Michele's attention.

"Moni, I saw you riding with Andrew this morning. Are you two officially an item now?"