Ch. 195 Meet With Chleora

After agreeing to the one-sided deal, Richard and Raymond stepped out to give the girls privacy to dress up. Harmonie's feelings improved, and the atmosphere in the room was not as tense as when the twins were in this room.

"Moni, what kind of game will your brother play?" Anxia couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked Harmonie.

"If you don't know what it's like, why do you want to help me?"

"It's fine. Sometimes I want to defeat him." although Anxia said it with high confidence as if she was sure she could beat her husband―Anxia had doubts in her heart. After all, when did she ever win over Richard's game? Never.

"It's useless. We can't possibly win," expressed Harmonie in a somber tone, making it difficult for the make-up artist to apply lipstick because her lips were pouting forward.

"How can you be sure? If we work together, we can do it. Four against two, we've won the numbers." Michele exclaimed, trying to encourage her sister-in-law.