Ch. 200 A Mysterious Girl

Anxia decided to get some fresh air after dancing once with her brother-in-law. Her head was spinning looking at the crowd of people and not to mention the many women who wore dresses so elegant came to ask questions. They were all curious about how she managed to win the heart of one of the twins.

Anxia felt like she wanted to silence them with a deadly answer. 'Oh, it was super easy, really. I drugged him up with an aphrodisiac and had a daughter. Thanks to that, he was forced to marry me to give his baby a complete family.'

Anxia almost answered as she had in her mind to all the womenfolk there. But she managed to restrain herself and only gave a smile that didn't reach the eyes without intending to satisfy their curiosity. Thus, she decided to be alone on the balcony outside while enjoying the cool night breeze.

"Isn't this a crowded party?"