Ch. 205 Go To Obstetricians

"Madam, we have arrived," the driver's remark brokeAnxia's reverie.

Anxia looked towards the enormous hospital building, where several ambulances were neatly parked in front of the main lobby door.

"Thank you. I'll call you as soon as I'm done, and remember… don't ever tell Richard about this." Anxia got out of her car and walked into the biggest hospital in London.

After carrying out the registration procedures and such, Anxia waited in the waiting room on the same floor as the obstetrician's room. On that floor, many small children and pregnant mothers were accompanied by their husbands.

Anxia started to feel regretful that she didn't bring her husband along. She was sure Richard would be happy to accompany her if she asked him to come here. She didn't know why she didn't want to invite her husband. Maybe it was because her first pregnancy made such a deep impression on Anxia that she didn't mind going out with Richard.