Ch. 249 Loraine's Life Trophy

Loraine Shu stroked her temple in extreme exasperation after hearing that her subordinates had failed to set up a bugging device to listen to Anxia's conversation with Elliot. She had told Mei Yin to be careful about installing this small device in Anxia's room because she knew that only Mei Yin could sneak in without making the occupants aware of her presence.

But for some reason, Anxia still could feel someone had entered her room even though the person who entered to install the bugging device was one of the best thieves in this world.

Has her daughter become keener on her surroundings? Now she was more curious about the conversation between Anxia and Elliot.

Are the two of them planning to leave here? Would Anxia take Elliot away?

"Madam, miss Anxia wants to see you," one of the housemaids reported.

"Let her in."