Ch. 254 The Answer Anxia Wanted

"I'd like to see your master." That was the first thing that came out of Anxia's mouth after escorting Elliot to his room and meeting her new attendant.

"My apology. Master Shu is not in this country at the moment. Instead, there is someone who wants to meet you. I will escort you to the place if you don't mind."

"Why didn't he just come here?"

"We don't want to attract too much attention from your mother."

Anxia's brow furrowed at this, suspecting even Deke Shu was hiding something from his daughter. The longer she lived here, the more Anxia realized her family was messy.

It's no wonder that at the beginning of her pregnancy, Anxia didn't love her fetus in the slightest, and she took extreme measures to abort the fetus. If Ling Meng hadn't persuaded her then, Anxia would never have felt what it's like to be a mother who loves her child.

Anxia would also never have the chance to meet the adorable Lori and Elliot.