Ch. 256 Loraine's Lover

If Anxia were in the doctor's shoes, she would find a way to save her mother, even if that's mean she had to become an evil person. But never once would she think of sacrificing an innocent baby in exchange for caring for her mother. Maybe the former Anxia would have done it because her past self had no conscience and had the heart to abort her fetus.

It was customary for a sadistic heart like Anxia to prioritize her own interest without caring about others' losses. But this doctor was not her since a doctor's job is to save lives and bring smiles to expectant mothers by helping the birth process.

Unfortunately, this doctor's conscience was sabotaged, and she lacks the self-awareness to the point of separating a newborn from its mother. This doctor even lied to Anxia without blinking when she said Anxia would give birth to a girl―one kid only, instead of twins.