Ch. 260 Mei Yin's Weakness

Loraine Shu couldn't answer and just gulped nervously. She had never thought that the girl in front of her at this moment looked so scary that it made her guts shrink.

"What? Is the cat biting your tongue now? I would have killed you long ago if you weren't my mother."

"That's not something you can tell your mother, Miss Anxia."

Anxia glanced unreservedly at the sound and immediately became furious when she saw Song Lei. The man surprised her even more when Song Lei pulled her mother behind that man's back, trying to protect the woman from her. She could even sense the relief in her mother's look when Song Lei entered this room.

So now her mother's heart was on this man instead of her own daughter?

Good! Very good!! From then on, Anxia would never again think of Loraine as her mother.

"She's not my mother. From this second, she is not my mother! And if you still insist on having Mei Yin come with me, I will wrack this place. Mind my words!"