Ch. 284 Mei Yin's Lover

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Anxia's heart fell when she heard the sound of gunshots from a distance. She was afraid she wouldn't make it alive with her son, but when she saw neither Mei Yin nor Richard's confidant fall, Anxia felt dejavu. She felt like she had experienced something like this before.

Without realizing it, the people who had chased Mei Yin here had fallen and lay lifeless with holes in the back of their heads.

"Elliot, close your eyes. No matter what happens, never open your eyes, okay?" demanded Anxia, which Elliot immediately complied with.

The boy covered his eyes with his tiny hands without asking what was happening. He couldn't hear the gunshots because the gun was noiseless, so only Anxia's sharp hearing could hear it.

Then, Anxia glanced towards the front to see who had shot the group of people who were about to kill them. Instantly her eyes went wide as she saw her former partner with the platinum gun still pointed at Song Lei's men.