Ch. 290 Jamie Arc (part 4) Loraine's Letter

'Hi, Jamie. How are you? If you ask how I am, I will tell you one thing. The Zhou family was very kind and welcomed me with endless warmth. Zhou Yu Huan has an annoying younger brother, and this damn brother wouldn't accept my arrival. He took my portion of the meal, even took my chocolate pudding! He is a very, very annoying person! If you come to Hong Kong, be careful when you meet Zhou Yu Hue. I really hate him to the bone!'

Jamie read the letter at the antique shop near her school, smiling. Thankfully, Loraine found a better life there. Even though Jamie was envious that Loraine could get out of Deke Shu's residence sooner, she was still genuinely happy for her friend.

Without delaying her desire to reply to the letter, Jamie sent a reply letter to her friend in Hong Kong.

'Loraine, be careful with your feelings. People say that hate and love are only slightly different. Maybe one day you will even fall in love with him.'