Ch. 305 Rotten Fish-like Smell

A few hours earlier…

Mei Yin, Xuemin, and the Cerberus team had arrived in Hong Kong using a deployment ship from Bay D. They deliberately did not use an airplane so that Yu Long would not be aware of their arrival at the Hong Kong airport.

Just as they managed to get close to Yu Long's base without being tracked, Mei Yin surveyed all the available entrances for her to enter.

On average, all entries were heavily guarded by several people, and CCTV cameras were on for 24 hours. They could have hacked into their computers and security systems, but that would have meant letting them know that an intruder had attacked their base.

"How do we get in?" Mei Yin asked Xuemin. "You know the best way in and out of your former employer's headquarters."

Xuemin sighed at her question. "If I could do it myself, I would go in myself. But they'll shoot me in the head when they see my face. The only way is to sneak in at night."