Ch. 317 Is It A Morning Sickness?

Elliot and Lori looked at each other when they saw Richardr's worried expression about catching up with their mother.

"Eli, is mommy sick?"

Elliot shook his head and said, "Let's hope nothing's wrong with her. We better eat first before the pasta gets cold."

Lori nodded in agreement and started eating her pasta with her twin.

The person next to the kids' table only ordered drinks while looking at the twins sitting nicely while eating the pasta they ordered.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Anxia vomited all of her stomach contents. She didn't understand what made her feel nauseous to hurl like this. She was sure she wasn't sick or had a fever, so what was wrong with her now?

"Xia Xia?"

Anxia could hear her husband's voice from outside but didn't have the energy to answer him. As long as she could remember, this was the first time Anxia had felt helpless when her body wasn't in pain.