Ch. 331 Is It Kissing Time?

The holiday program with the extended family went smoothly, and they were more excited when Kendrich and Phoebe arrived to catch up with them. Kendrich introduced his lover to his cousin, and even though he warned Phoebe not to use her powers, the girl grew a bunch of flowers to please the kids.

Elliot and Lori, along with Anxia, were the first to witness with their own eyes how someone could grow plants in a blink of an eye.

"Richie, what is that?" Anxia shook her husband's arm as she asked with a steady gaze on the beautiful girl who had just grown some plants.

"I also just found out that she can do that."

"A while ago, you said she took your nephew away to the past. I still don't understand, but I won't ask since you said nothing. I know you have an unusual family and some secrets to hide."

"But you still feel curious."

Anxia nodded and let her husband put his arm around her shoulders to kiss the top of her head.