
Captain Thorne could feel her blood heating at the prospect , A prize ! it would bring morale on the maiden back to it's usual high level, as well as serve a personal purpose for her.

The idea of a good fight was welcome, indeed Lynnette needed a battle to get over the disappointment of missing her long awaited confrontation with Lord Roger that day .

" Whose flag does she sail under ?" she asked shortly .

Davie shouted a bit downcast England's captain" Then he added in a wheedling tone shall we take her captain ?

They would , indeed . Lynnette couldn't afford to remember her heritage on a day like today , not when she was accountable to a crew full of pirates who already done some fancy sailing this morning to avoid Lord Rogers trap. The deserved this reward

Instead of replying to Davie , she turned away and began to buckle on her sword belt , it was a clear indication of their captain's intent , so when she waved him away , the cabin boy scurried above decks excitedly with the word they were going into battle !

Lynnette quickly braided her hair into a rope as thick as her wrist , then pinned it up in a coroner around her head , in a fight , she could not afford to let it hang down where it could impede her vision or be grabbed by an enemy . Then she tucked a knife into her booth , and two flintlocks into her belt . They could only be fired once each before reloading , so she'd have to make the shot count .

Captain Thorne , now prepared for any occasion , smiles a feral smile . Quickly , she left her cabin and ran up the ladder to meet her crew . perhaps this day would not entirely go to waste.

Daniel could not believe the speed with which the Maiden's Revenge had overtaken his ship. He has known the other ship was faster , so he counted on his superior skill to outmaneuver her . But all his attempts to gain upper hand and a better firing angle had failed . Each time he moved , the maiden moved faster , cutting off his advantage before he could make use of it , It was as though captain Thorne had read his mind . Now he was about to be boarded , and he hadn't been able to get off a single successful shot . The Empire , had sustained several disabling blows from the others cannon .

Daniel had noticed on the gunners aboard the pirate ship were taking extraordinary care with the replacement of their shot , and he knew that it could only mean one thing . The meant to take his ship as part of their booty, it was a new fine ship : it would fetch a good bring if they decide to sell it . The pirates would not want to damage their spoils .

Captain Bradley did not mean to accede gracefully to their plan --- not at the expense of his future , his hopes and dreams.

" To arms! " he shouted as the grappling hooks began to fly .

" We will defend the ship to the last man !" There was a great flash of steel as the men drew forth their cutlass . Seconds later they were engulfed in a tide of pirates howling blood curdling war cries and grinning with fierce battle madness.

All thoughts left Daniel except thrust , attack and defend . Sweat poured from his body and the faces of the dirty buccaneers before him blurred . All he could hear was the sounds and screams of , dying men ; the grunts and shouts as the battle raged . it was utter chaos .

Daniel brought down one man with a thrust that went clean through his heart , He caught of glimpse of the man behind him, about to end him with a wicked -looking knife , just in time to pull his sword from the dead man and block the blow, in minutes that man was dead, too .

He was about sparing with the third when he became aware of a queer silence pervading the ship . The man in front of him was huge , at least six and half feet tall , and he wore a grin over his ugly tattooed features that showed his confidence of the outcome of their duel. Daniel , panting , cast his glance about recklessly for signs that one of his men could come to his aid .

What he saw stopped him cold . He was the only member of his crew still fighting . the rest had been captured or killed.

A strange sort of madness overtook Daniel . Everything that mattered to him had just been stripped away , His business , his future , his ship, "Everything". Without the Empire he had no means of livelihood , and no reason to go on . He resolved to go on fighting . Captain Bradley had just raised his sword to the giant when he heard a piercing voice cry halt. "A woman's voice ."