Pretty boy

But Lynnette was not entirely unaffected . She had been in a bad mood for the past three days, and her men walked lightly when they want to pass her for fear she would find fault with them .

And indeed , she had snapped at sailors for the smallest mistake , taking her anger out on her crew since she could not face the source of her fury, What would she say to him anyway ? " Stop invading my thoughts , damn you ," she muttered.

Harry, who alone dared to stand beside her in her blackest moods , turned to look questioningly at his captain .

". What do you say ,captain ?"

" Nothing !" she snapped , flushing slightly at being caught talking to herself.

". Uh - huh ", He smiled knowingly .

Lynnette gritted her teeth and ignored the first mate . Harry had teased her unmercifully about the " pretty boy" captive they had taken. He though she had taken a fancy to him . In no certain terms Captain Thorne had assured him that such was the furthest thing from the truth she could imagine .

Now, relieved, she squinted into the hot Caribbean sun. Very soon they would make port , she looked forward to it as a way to take her mind off unsuitable things like silver eyes and masculine beauty personified in the form of her prisoner .

The island was tiny , nameless and perfectly suited to the needs of pirates such as the Maiden's crew . A natural harbour , hidden in a fold of the land , provided a good place to anchor , while abundant fruit tress , wild boar , and goat made ample meat for them .

Fresh water spring was located in the interior , which let the buccaneers refill their tanks easily.

The sea itself promised an unending bounty of fish , tortoise , and shellfish for any who need then . That island itself is, a paradise was a gift most of Captain Thorne's men did not appear to appreciate . But she did , while No-Name Island , as it was ingenuously called , was only one of dozens of hidden pirates sanctuaries , it was home to Lynnette.

Her house stood there , build at substantial cost by captured Spanish artisans working to pay their own ransoms. it was not overly large , containing only two bedrooms , a dining room , a study , and a kitchen , but to Lynnette it was the equivalent of a palace . Because it was hers.

Many of the pirates , she knew , thought their captain was out of her mind to spend wealth on building materials for a house when she would likely end up stretching her neck on a gallow many years later.

The preferred to spend to squander their money on liquor and women and fancy things and that was fine with her.

But Lynnette had small use for rum except for the occasional swallow or two , and none whatsoever for whores, or other unnecessary things , Revenge mattered . Nothing else.

While she plotted her revenge to come to it's fruition , she might as well have a permanent place to sleep , place to think and plan and be alone . But now she must allow Captain Bradley to share that place --- under lock and key of course--- for a matter of several months. No place else on the island could be easily be made secure . Lynnette planned to be gone for as much of that time as possible.