
When Daniel was brought , blinking , into the sunlight, the sight of No-Name Island took his breath away. From where he stood , he could see the protected cove and the gentle waters drawing his eye to the beach. The sand was --- well, pink . A lovely coral hue , ranging from mauve to nearly white , it blended beautifully into the aquamarine ocean . Sea grape and palm trees shaded the interior. Above the lines of trees, a low sheer cliff arose , framing the whole picture perfectly .

Daniel , whose experience with Caribbean islands was as yet small , felt over- whelmed with panoramic vista . Still stunned by the beauty of the place , he responded blindly to Omar's prodding and climbed down the ladder to the waiting long boat.

Once seated in the rocking boat, Daniel forgot the beauty he had just witnessed , for there was a vision even more lovely seated across him . Thorne . he thought was an appropriate name for a woman who bristled with as much weaponry as she did.

Was her first name Thristle ? Certainly not Rose, although it would describe her physical appearance well. But he doubted Thorne was true surname anyway . Didn't most pirates take on new names to make themselves sound more terrifying on the lips of fearful travelers ? IF not for that reason , then to hide their identities , and he was sure the woman facing him had many secrets to protect.

To keep himself from staring overlong at the luscious figure,

" What do you think of my Island ?" she asked when the silence and the slapping of wavelets on the wooden boat grew tedious.

Daniel narrowed his eyes against the sun glare framing and shadowing her from behind . He spoke over the shoulders of the rowing pirates from the tail end of the boat . His voice had to carry to reach Lynnette in the prow. " Truly , I have never seen a place more lovely , ". He hadn't expected to be impressed by the island . Surely , he had thought , a pirate's base would be squalid and filthy , not a wonder of nature .

The peacock 's words pleased her well enough . She smiled slightly . " I thank you ." They were nearing shore . Her earlier conversation with Harry on her mind , she said, " You will find No-Name Island has many other qualities as well as beauty. It's white defensible : nearly impossible to escape from ."

Then they bottom of the small boat landed against the sandy shore, and men leapt out to drag it further ashore. Lynnette went with them, helping to pull it in and directing the landing party to unload the boat after the had secured it .

Walking up the hill with Lynnette , after passing the trees they came into a large clearing . The lush jungle had been cut back for fifty feet around the house ---- which looked nothing like the dilapidated shack he had envisioned , The house built with Spanish design , it was not overly large , but exquisitely crafted down to the smallest detail. Pastel pink paint gave the house it colour , and a verandah wrapped itself around the entire structure . Daniel was once again happily surprised.

"Welcome to my home , Captain Bradley ," she said , her courtesy exaggerated considering the circumstances. He was matched through the house , getting only the impression of a spare tasteful furnishings before the came to a door with a large bolt on it . " I see you are no stranger in keeping prisoners ," he commented .

". That's true , and even though you try being cocky , let me inform you not one of them ever managed to get away from me.

Had they even desired to? with a woman like her keeping them no man could be faulted for enjoying his captivity unreasonably . He wondered if she ever shared her bed with her male prisoners. But he wasn't going to find out, not today .

Lynnette pushed open the door and made a sweeping bow . " please enter ". I hope you will be comfortable for the rest of your stay." she said. She stepped closer to him , the scent of her elusive , spicy perfume tangling in Daniel's senses. Then she drew a dagger and cut cleanly the ropes binding him. Be fore he could respond to her closeness she already backed away , a knife in one hand , sword in the other. She smiled mockingly . " I regret that there will be no special conveniences today to refresh you , no change of clothes or bathwater to wash with . . . . " she was teasing him , and her obvious belief that Daniel was a London neat freak.

". I will manage," he said through gritted teeth , stepping inside.

" no doubt ," she replied sweetly ," as you have no choice ."

The door closed behind her was closed audibly .