All's fair in love and war

She looked happy today, when they had first met, Daniel had had an impression of anger above and beyond what could be laid down to battle fever. He had sensed too that it was directed elsewhere, at some one far away . Today she seemed calmer, less hard-edged , although he saw something deep and raw eyes that did not leave even when she smiled. That which had made her into a renegade?

knowing something about soul-deep pain himself, Daniel believed it was so .

Lynnette was happy today. Being home always made her feel so , which was perhaps why she had magnanimously decided to allow Captain Bradley the freedom of the island ---- under the watchful eyes of her men, of course. after all what was the harm ? with so many of her men around, there was no way he could escape unnoticed . And she hated to think of anyone locked up when it was such a beautiful day. Not that they had anything other than beautiful days here in the indies .

The weather was always mild, balmy , and exquisitely sunny, except during hurricane season, of course, which was not for another month or so, Still , she need not have invited the man to breakfast, especially not after the disquieting dream she had about him last night.

But to see the look on his face when she mentioned liver. . . .it was worth it.

more kindly, she asked, " more coffee?"

looking mightily relieved, he nodded, " thank you " he said gratefully as he took the cup from her. Their fingers brushed, and both jumped a little. Fortunately, the coffee did not spill onto the fine linen tablecloth. But the streak of sensation caused by the brief touch caused both captor and captive to sober abruptly.

Covering her reaction, she said brightly, " we will be making repairs to the Empire today. The bowsprit needs work, and the aft gun ports."

" Because of you ," he growled. Mention of his ship and the damage she had caused it brought back all his resentment.

" Aye, well, that's a fact. I can't take it back now now , nor would I care to ," Lynnette said evenly. " All's fair in love and war . . . " she faltered, suddenly distressed by the word "love".

He knew it, the gleam that came to his eyes told her that indeed, and may take any measure necessary to succeed in either, " he certainly planned to.

" Aye" , Lynnette said shortly, closing off the subject before it could get out of hand. she was uncomfortable with his sharp, intense stare.

Daniel sipped his coffee reflectively, his headache was easing, and his stomach began to protest it's emptiness, in short , he had begun to feel human again. A good thing, since he would need all his wits to keep up with Captain Thorne. buttering a roll, he asked sarcastically, " what, no maiming and pillaging to do today ? "

" No , " came her curt reply, not at all out. " I've taken the day off. Besides, my men and I pillage on alternate Wednesdays. we've another week and a half to go yet. "

" I see . so you respect your robbing and killing of innocents to certain days. " He had not forgotten that the buccaneers had injured several of his crew, and it showed in his voice.

"Come, now , Captain Bradley, you did not expect me to order my men to harm none of yours while they went out for blood themselves? you yourself killed two of my men . No matter how I may feel about that , I do not lay the blame at your feet ."

" You did what you had to do ".