Break or breakup..?

Loud music and lights , the party was real wild afterall our fellow interns finally became doctors . Drinks and more drinks .

There she was standing wearing her favourite lbd , hairs open and as always stunning with heels . Her eyes were looking for someone until there was a voice - " Aarvi"

She turned to found her best friend Riya totally wasted and taking her name constantly.

She gasped and helped her to walk her to restroom and all of a sudden something made her stop on the way .

It was him , the one she was looking for , but why is he carrying another woman in his arms.

She shouted " Atharv seriously, I am looking for you and you are busy having fun with other girl ? "

He was silent , and first he put down the girl on sofa nearby and then reached Aarvi who was already on her top notch anger level .

He was quiet , and this made her feel that she is right this time.

She asked , " This is definitely not the first time that something like this happened "

He could feel her sore throat and the pain she was having in her heart .

And he finally broke his silence, "And you still don't trust me " .

This made her rage higher and she shouted again , " Dammit why don't you understand trust takes time , and it's been just few months, how to trust you I fucking don't know ? "

He was still in his calm state and answered

- Then let's take a break and stay friends and when finally you'll trust me , we'll talk then.

Something inside her shattered and she was barely able to ask - Are you breaking up with me ?

"So what , everytime you see me with any girl you are ready to shoot your doubts on me and Yeah sorry , I'm tired of explaining myself everytime to you . I love you Aarvi so much , more than everything I've ever had, but this doubt game , I'm not in it . Take your time to trust me if you can't, till then let's take a break "

After listening to all this she just walked away from him , tears flowing down her beautiful face . Her every nerve was paining, he was the first she ever had butterflies for .

At this moment she wanted to run and apologise to him and just wanted to hug him tightly.

But she walked to the bar corner , drank upto her brim and then left the club to go home.

And all this time tears were constant.

She took out the keys of car when someone from behind jerked her , closed her face with cloth and then she fainted and was took in a car.


Atharv was in the restroom sitting on the couch glancing at his phone with Aarvi's contact number on the screen .

Someone near him said ' brother ', it was this girl that he was carrying in his arms earlier.

So she was his sister.

He asked her to take her things and he'll take her home, she agreed .

He left her in his parents house and drove back to his private apartment.

Opening his shirts button he went to take a shower.

After he came out , watter dripping from his perfectly shaped abs and his messy hair. No one could stop themselves from falling for him.

He sat on his bad , something was missing inside him . Though he knew it was his decision, he will be the one who will be hurt the most . It was so difficult for him to feel her absence.

Keeping his thoughts aside he slept .

After an hour -

He got up from his bed, grabbed the keys and drove .

After reaching her place he rang the bell , no one answered . He kept banging the door and shouted with his eyes full of tears " Aarvi open it , I'm sorry open it please. I take back my words i can't live without you , i am ready to explain you every time please "

His voice shrinking, " She was my sister , she was drunk i was just ... Please open the door "

No one responded from inside , after a while being worried he opened the door as he knew the password, he went inside running and searching every room , there was no one .

He was so worried he called her but her phone was switched off , he called all of her friends but none of them knew where she was.

At last he went to police station.

Where was she ??