Stay away from him

" so tell me why are you sad?" Dan asked

" I just miss my dad so much"

" I'm sorry. Wanna go out?"

" I'm sorry too. I'm not in the mood to go out today. We'll see tomorrow at school"Gabriella said standing up to go to her room

" oh....OK.... I was thinking we could have icecream at Ana's icecream cart but I guess I'll go alone" Dan said slowly moving out

" Ana is in town?" Gabriella suddenly asked

" Yes, I saw her when..."

" what are we still doing here?. Let's go" Gabriella said jumping and giggling

" your not going like that are you ?. Your only in your pyjamas "

" there's nothing wrong in going out with a bear with BTS logo on it, is there?"

" your not going to follow me like that, what if my dad see you?" Dan asked

" then go on your own" she said going inside

" Gabriella..."

" if you have a problem with you dad , go sort it out. Don't involve me in it" she said and slammed the door on his face

" what about the icecream?" Dan asked hoping to change her mind

" Get out!!!" she yelled

" fine "he said leaving

When Gabriella got inside, she found her mom working on her laptop.

" what's the matter, Gab?" her mom asked

" nothing " Gabriella said running to her room as someone knocks on the door. Gabriella's mom opened the door to find Derek holding flowers

" Good evening Mrs Blue, is Gabriella around?"

" Yes, she is. She's not in a good mood so I'm not so sure she'll like to speak to you"

" I understand. I just wanted to apologise and give her these flowers"

" you can try" Mra Blue said opening the door wide for him to come in

" thank you" Derek said going to Gabriella's room .

" go away" she said

" how did you know I came over?"

" do I look stupid?"

" no I did not mean it that way. I just want us to talk please"

" what do you want?" she asked eyeing him from up to down

" I wanted to apologise for what happened on friday"

" OK "

" the whole incident with Maya, that was a total mistake. I was only trying to make you jealous "

" wait...what?"

" I'm sorry " Derek said and looked down as Gabriella burst out in laughter" what's funny?" Derek asked confused

" and I thought you guys were dating" she said still laughing

" we're not. So we good?"

" yeah, I guess"

" I'll see you tomorrow then. " he said going closer to her" can I hug you?"

" Uh...sure why not?" Gabriella said stood up and hugged him. Unknowingly to her, spies were watching and taking pictures of them.

" bye now" Derek said grinning

The next day at school, when Gabriella entered , everyone started whispered things about her and Derek while some just glared at her.

" Hey, Violetta, what's going on?" She asked confused

" you mean you haven't seen what's trending online now?"

" no. What is it?"

" The picture of You and Derek" Violetta said showing her the picture of Derek hugging her

" what the hell!!'

" calm down ,Gab. It's not so bad after all you like him"

" stop adding fuel to the fire Violetta" Gabriella groaned

" Gabriella " Maya called

" yeah?"

" stay away from my boyfriend "Maya said and slapped Gabriella

" I'm sorry what?, who?" Gabriella asked confused holding her cheek

" Derek, he's my boyfriend " she hissed

" so you slapped me because of a man whore" Gabriella yelled

" I'll do it again" Maya said and stormed off meanwhile Violetta stood there boiling with rage seeing someone slap her best friend

" Derek, he's my boyfriend