
In Gabriella's house,

" oh Gabriella, I was worried you'll catch a cold" Her mom said immediately she entered

" really? why am I not surprised?"

" Gabriella?" her mom called

" please let me go inside. I don't have to for this" Gabriella said and left

" keep on trying mrs Blue, she'll come around " Kim said

" so what happened today with Gabriella and Charles?' her mom asked

" they're not dating yet but I suspect they like each other"

" she has nice taste"

"I forgot my phone " Gabriella said and went to the car , as she took her phone out, she saw lots of towels in Kim's seat" I thought you said I was out of towels?" she asked narrowing her eyes

" it has been replaced"

" oh really...why am I so surprised?"

" fine. I just wanted you and Charles to share a towel because I suspected you liked him and wanted to get closer to him. I'm really sorry." Kim blurted out

" I'm really mad...but I'll forgive you if you'll do me a favour"

" anything to make you forgive me, miss"

" I need a new guitar "

" and when did you start playing the guitar?"

" it's not for me, it's for..." she trailed off

" for Charles?"

" no. maybe...yes"

" Anything for you miss Gabriella. It'll be ready by tomorrow "

" thank you so much Kim" Gabriella said hugging him

" no problem, miss Gabriella "

The next day, Gabriella has been asleep for so long. Kim thinks she did not set an alarm or she either put the wrong time. So he decides to wake her up himself

" Rise and shine, princess" he said opening her room curtain to let her absorb the early morning sunlight

" ugghh...five more minutes please" she groaned still sleeping

" miss Gabriella, please stand up or else you'll be 5 minutes late for school today" he said sternly. Even though he was just her personal driver and servant, he always treated her like an elder brother." I have the guitar" he said making her jolt up " you do?. You think he'll like it?"

" the Charles Winston I know would love it" Kim said reassuringly

" I'm going to take a bathroom, you can leave"

" Yes ma'am" Kim said and left

Meanwhile, in Charles House Tamara has prepared to heat out when she realised Charles was still in bed

" Charles?"

" ughhhh" he groaned turning around to look at her

" you okay?" she asked concerned

" no..I'm not. I'm sick , I want to throw up" he said gagging

" so I was right after all" she squealed in excitement earning a puzzled look from Charles

"you act weird sometimes" he groaned

"mom's at home, I'll ask her to make you Mac and cheese"

" no I'm not hungry,just go away. Go to school"

" okay then...I'm leaving. Don't throw up too much, you don't want to stress mom" Tamara said, pecked him and left.