"That's not all." He grabs my hips and pulls me back as he pushes forward, trying to get his cock as far inside me as possible. "Put your legs on the bed."
I obey awkwardly by putting my knees up on the mattress to perch. Milo pushes my thighs as far apart as they can go and keeps them there while my behind is in the air. Then he starts fucking me again, rubbing his cock against a spot inside me that makes my whole body turn into something hot and liquidy. I'm not made of flesh and bones anymore; I'm just lust. Pure love. "Oh crap."
He slows down and does something with his hips that makes me feel like I'm going to pass out. "You didn't answer my question, Grace." He rubs that spot over and over and over again. "What, please?"
I shout, "Stay!" "Be ours. Fuck me whenever and however you want."