Intruder (3/3)

[DAY 82]

After the Demon freed itself from the wires attached to its head, Neo was able to see the creature's head, which just like the Demon before had no real face but a huge maw ripped in two in which he could see the magma inside of it.

Furthermore, the demon was about 4 meters tall and had a dark armored body similar to the previous Demon. But other than that, this Demon had slightly different arms, which were wider and longer, and the legs instead of feet, were hoofed.

In the Demon's right hand, a weapon similar to the one before began to form made entirely out of magma, but this time it wasn't a halberd, but a large axe.

While the Demon was still breaking free, Neo slowly moved towards it with his wings behind him and his Broadsword in his right hand, preparing for another charge at the enemy in front of him.

But before Neo could act, the demon suddenly swung his axe, but not in Neo's direction, but at the cables of the last Demon who was still inactive and didn't seem to have awakened yet.

With a clean cut, the Demon's axe severed the cables connecting to the other Demon's head, and afterwards it fell to the ground, still appearing very confused.

At that moment, the Demon with the axe grabbed the Demon on the ground with his free hand and removed the other wires from its head and then threw the Demon aside onto the ground.

Afterwards, the demon leapt towards Neo with the axe ready and attacked him with a quick and powerful swing.

Although the attack was fast, Neo still had enough time to dodge it and even deflected the axe with a precise sword stroke and afterwards counterattacked the Demon's arm.

As expected, the Broadsword's sheer damage was limited, but again what seems to be effective was the Miasma on the sword, which quickly hardened and formed small but sturdy spikes and went into the demon's armor, doing more damage in the process.

The Demon slashed at Neo with its other hand, but it only hit air as Neo was able to dodge the attack. After that, the Demon tried it again with an axe attack on Neo, who was now standing behind him. However, Neo was able to counter this attack as well and attack the same spot in the arm that he attacked before.

After that, Neo jumped back a few meters and used his Miasma to attack the Demon while using his Telekinesis ability to focus on the Demon that was lying a little further away who was just getting up from the ground.

With some concentration, Neo focused on the flow of magma in the Demon's body and caused the atoms of the magma to erupt from the body.

However, Neo could only focus on one area of ​​the body and therefore decided on one of the legs to hinder the mobility of the Demon and thus make the fight against two demons easier for him.

The usual constellation of millions of atoms formed in Neo's thoughts, to which Neo then transmitted the commands. With a thought, the magma in the demon's left leg then began to circulate and after some time, the leg began to tremble and before the Demon knew it, its armor cracked open and the ultra-hot magma spurted outside everywhere, flowing out of the Demon.

The Demon began to vibrate slightly and fell to the ground again, but after a few seconds it started to stand up again. However, the Demon's body suddenly started to changed drasticlly. The dark armor of the Demon formed into a slightly smaller animal and after a few seconds a kind of 2 meter tall Demon Panther stood in front of Neo on all new four paws. Instead of a head, however, the Demon Panther had a huge, torn jaw in which magma could be seen.

After the transformation, the Demon Panther immediately jumped towards Neo and attacked him with its claws. Neo was able to dodge the first attacks, but with the new form, the Demon's agility also increased drastically, so it was able to hit Neo a few times on the shoulders and his chest.

Only when Neo focused his Misama on the Demon Panther was he able to free himself from the constant attacks.

However, this allowed the other Demon with the axe, along with the Demon Panther, to attack Neo together.

With the strong but somewhat slow attacks of the axe on one side and the fast but weaker attacks of the claws of the Demon Panther on the other, Neo couldn't afford any mistakes.

With his Broadsword and wings, he permanently devalues ​​attacks from left and right, from above and below, and from behind and from the front.

The Broadsword proved to be not only an excellent offensive weapon, which carries out attacks almost by itself, but also a perfect weapon to counter and block. With his precise attacks at the right time, Neo was able to nullify the power and speed of both of the Demon's attacks, thus preventing great damage.

After a few attacks here and there, the Demon with the axe suddenly started to retreat a bit and in the end only the Demon Panther was left which continued to fight Neo.

The Demon with the axt, on the other hand, made his way to one of the walls further back and held his claws against it. As a result, unknown strange yellow runes began to appear on the wall, after which the wall turned into a huge gate, allowing the tall Demon to pass through.

"ORAK Daj Far Fog Ranm" said the Demon in a demonic voice, as it walked through the gate. Afterwards, the gate then formed back into the previous wall and in the end Neo was alone in a room with the Demon Panther which was still attacking him.

'Why did the other Demon leave? If they had pushed together any further they might have breached my defenses, so why give the enemy a chance to win and recover, unless... unless the Demon has something more important to do. Maybe he'll go awake more Demons or get some special weapon. I have to finish this fight quickly and go after the Demon!' Neo thought determinedly as he looked at the Demon Panther.

In the next moment, Neo dodged yet another claw attack from the Demon, but instead of just dodging, Neo suddenly went into a attack and made a long slash into the Demon's arm and then commanded his Broadsword to turn into its Mace form, with which he then struck the paws and then the Demon's head.

Meanwhile, Neo's Miasma formed around the Mace and pierced the Demon's armored body. While, several Miasma spears also formed and flew toward the demon's other extremities while Neo focused on the red barrier and commanded the atoms to dissipate.

In the end, the attacks were a complete success and the previously aggressive and fast Demon was pinned to the ground and processed into magma by Neo's Mace.

After the Demon died, Neo decided to follow the other Demon with the axe, hoping to stop whatever he was doing. Of course Neo still took the Demon Core with him first and then made his way to the wall.

But instead of covering the wall with his blood as before, he covered the wall with the magma from the Demon Panther he had just killed.

As a result, instead of forming a passage as usual, three strange symbols that Neo had previously seen on the wall, appeared. He then grabbed the symbols in the same order as the Demon with the axe did and after a few seconds the wall began to form into a large gate through which Neo walked through, ready to fight.


The room Neo entered was different from the rooms before. Instead of a small cube-like room, Neo was in a huge circular room, the only way was a path which led across a deep gorge, until to the middle of the room, where some kind of giant machine that had countless millions of wires attached all over it, was.

When Neo looked more closely into the gorge, he discovered countless demon-like beings there, all of whom had different looks and shapes. Fortunately, all of them were inactive and connected to the cables like the other three Demons before.

Like the others, they also seem to be in dire need of energy, energy they seem to be getting from the giant machine in the middle.

Only when Neo focused again on the platform in front of him did he see the Demon with the axe in the near distance, which was clicking on various symbols on a control panel.

'Not good at all, I have to stop the Demon from doing whatever it is doing there.' Neo thought to himself as he looked at the Demon and immediately began to fly towards him with his wings at top speed.

However, before Neo could reach the Demon, the machine that was in the middle of the room suddenly began to glow and you could hear a kind of humming that got higher and higher over time.

"What have you done, talk to me!" Neo said as he attacked the Demon, who turned and just about blocked the attack and took a few steps back.

"KOA KMA AG..." the Demon said only to be silent again and pushed Neo away a bit and then started attacking him a few times with his axe.

While this was happening, the machine that was previously pumping magma into the countless Demons, suddenly began pumping every bit of magma out of the Demons.

As time passed, the Demons Souls began to scream and Neo could hear the Demons being killed by the machine and the machine collecting the demons magma and also Demon Core, while accumulating more and more energy.

But why does the machine need so much energy that it is even ready to kill the Demons it was taking care of before now?

'Huge amounts of energy can be used for various things, to power larger weapons or devices, or to enable long-range communications, or... or to cause a huge explosion.' Neo thought to himself as he looked at the Demon in front of him, who continued to fend him off.

'Could it be that the Demon just wants to distract me and destroy me along with the entire building? Perhaps realizing that the facility could no longer be protected from me, it decided to destroy it instead of letting it fall into my hands.' Neo thought to himself as he fought the Demon.

"What a clever and sneaky race you Demons are, you are willing to sacrifice countless of your kind to not let someone else get your technology and knowledge. Truly admirable" Neo said as he smiled and stepped back a few feet.

"KAA!!!" screamed the Demon as he charged with his axe. However, one noticed that the demon had little strength left and could not fight much longer.

In the next moment, Neo's mace transformed into his broadsword and he chopped off the Demon's head with a precise attack.

After that, Neo took the green Demon Core out of the Demon's chest and looked at the machine from a distance.

Meanwhile, the machine suddenly erupted and the magma started flying in the air, while the countless Demon Cores in the air partially painted the magma green.

It looked as if the Cores together with the magma would form a vortex-shaped galaxy and the sight, if it didn't release so many dangerous energies, would be absolutely beautiful to watch.

But Neo only admired the beauty of the magma for a few seconds and decided the next moment to open a gate with the Demon's magma.

After that, Neo ran through it and tried some combinations with the symbols in hope to get a way outside of the Building.

One time Neo ended up in some kind of armory that contained huge war weapons of unknown origin and function.

A little bitter on his face because he can't take the weapons with him, especially since they are too big and he has no time to lose, Neo went to the next room.

With the next combination Neo came into a kind of control room, in which many different control panels with different symbols were and in the middle was a gigantic table on which a alien planet completly in snow, could be seen.

Unfortunately, Neo couldn't understand any of the symbols and didn't have time to analyze them, so he had to move on.

With luck, the next gate didn't open into another room, but to the outside.

But before Neo could go through the gate, the floor and the walls around him suddenly began to glow yellow and the gate that had just been opened closed again.

With a quick reaction, however, Neo managed to get outside and was able to flee the fate that was just befalling the building behind him.

The building, or should it be called the Demon Spaceship, began to glow with a yellow light, as bright and at least twice as hot as magma. After a few seconds thereafter, the spaceship began to dissipate like the magma did and simply disappeared.

Instead of a huge explosion as expected, it was a silent erasure that obliterated all matter.

"What a waste, how much I could have learned from the building and the weapons alone would have made my fight against Safezone 9 so much easier." Neo said as he looked coldly at the huge hole in the wall where the Demon Spaceship used to be.

"Well, it wasn't all for nothing, at least I got some clues about the origin of the Undead Virus and also some new theories about these Demons and a lot more questions waiting to be solved. Oh and don't forget those things..." Neo said as he looked at the two green Demon Cores and one white Demon Core.





NEW: DEMON CORE (Explanation: Demon Cores are found within beings classified as Demons and are a physical manifestation of their Soul Cores. Neo cannot absorb a Demon Core and no discernible purpose or benefit has yet been found. Further data and experiments are needed)

NEW: DEMON RACE (Explanation: A Race of beings that resemble demons on the outside and have different proportions and weapons. Furthermore, the species has a very robust and flexible body that resembles a dark armor. Otherwise, all demons have curved horns on their heads no matter what proportions they have and a demon has no organs, instead the ultra-hot liquid, which resembles magma, seems to permeate its entire body and supply it with energy. The demons can also use this magma for direct combat and otherwise use it to form a weapon of their choice. Also, demons don't seem to need any food, water, sleep, or oxygen)