Chapter 2, Strong Soul

When I woke up my vision was all messed up. I couldn't see color; everything was black and white but my range of vision was crazy. Far ahead I could see a small gate and everyone was lined up to go through the gate. After they passed though it would not glow and they would continue until they just vanished.

This made me nervous as I wasn't sure if the gate was making them disappear but I thought there was a high chance that it was causing this disappearance. I tried to get out of line but I was unable to move at will. My body was just marching along with all of the other ones. Slowly getting closer to the gate which brought me such a feeling of dread.

Eventually I was next to pass through the gate, but when I went to go through it I couldn't. I tried again and was stopped again. Only this time the gate shot a bright light up towards the sky, if there is a sky in this strange world. It rose like a flare of Blue in this world without color.

From the Apex of this blue light it disappeared and in its place the sky broke open and an eye was opened. This great eye full of the colors of the rainbow seemed to stare straight at me. And before I knew it I was no longer on the ground and was being lifted up by some invisible force. Bringing me straight towards the eye.

The eye was bigger than my house in the past. In fact it was the biggest thing I had ever seen, and when I could almost touch it a voice sounded in my head. "Soul Strength sufficient, Choose 3 For The Next Life"

"Choose what? What do you mean Soul Strength? I get a Next life? Does that mean I'm dead?!" my panicked voice rang out in this place without noise. But my questions remained unanswered and the voice in my head repeated "Choose 3 for the next life."

"Fine! I want my life back, I choose to get my life back, Give me my life back!"

This time the voice said something different, one word resounded. "No" pain assaulted me before vanishing. The voice repeated itself "Choose 3 for the next life"

Realizing this was actually happening and not some messed up dream I had to come to some decisions quickly. Like any good protagonist I needed survivability, an advantage and good physique, the rest could be supplemented with practice and skill. I muttered to myself "hopefully I won't get screwed by chronic illness in this next life". The voice repeated again "Choose 3" then the pain returned. This time it was even more intense as if my bones were beginning to liquify and it lasted twice as long.

Whatever this being this eye belonged to, it was getting impatient. I went with the safest combination I could think of. "I Choose eyes like the Sharingan, True Dragon Form, Godly Inventory."

Then I closed my eyes bracing for the voice and the pain which I expected to follow, but all that came was a "yes, good choice for a strong soul" and then a soft warm feeling enveloped my body. Then the heat grew in intensity as though it was going to burn out the remnants of my soul. Just as I felt that I would disappear the pain vanished.

The next thing I knew, I was somewhere warm and couldn't move very well. I also felt incredibly sleepy, and so I slept hoping to wake up in my bed once more with those god awful stomach pains and all.

I don't know how long i was in there for but one day, my sleep was disturbed by a squeezing sensation. Before I knew it I was no longer in my warm space and was wrapped up in a cloth of some kind immobilizing me. My eyes can't open and a cry escapes my mouth.


A black haired woman was squatting above a bed surrounded by a doulas and 2 midwives. "Push child, he is nearly there" said one of them. The woman let out a scream as she pushed for the last time before falling back into the bed.

one of the midwives tended to the new born child while the other 2 tended to the exhausted mother. "Why hasn't he cried yet?" said the mother with a voice full of concern. "Don't worry my Lady, I am sure the child will be healthy. Now hold still whilst she heals you." The Doulas consoled her. She then nodded to the midwife and her eyes lit up and a golden X appeared in the lower part of her eyes. A green light soon enveloped the mother as the injuries of childbirth were washed away by the magical power.

Not long after the light faded a loud cry filled the room, and the mother let out a sigh of relief. The other Midwife soon returned with the baby swaddled up. "It's a boy, my lady. A healthy baby balancing the scales at 4 stones" The baby's mother wept with joy at the baby in her arms. "Get his father, notify him he now has a healthy son".