10, The Tower and Family

"I will receive the inheritance of water"


Octatus spoke out joyfully.

"Now let's get started."

Before I could do anything, he grabbed me by the shoulder and the world blurred and stretched.

When everything stopped moving I could barely breathe and was on the verge of throwing up, unable to look around.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

I heard Octatus' voice by my side.

Calming my nausea, I turned towards my captor with an annoyed look.

"You didn't think to ask before you dragged me here? I really hate whatever that traveling technique is."

Octatus merely chuckled.

"Did you notice that you recovered in half the time compared to before? It's also far harsher on the body than the other method. Most people pass out as the air is forced from their lungs. Your body is now quite peculiar. Have you noticed that the frequency in your breathing has changed? It happens much less often than a normal person."

"How do you know about my lungs? You seem to know more about me and my body than I do. Why?"

I asked this question suspiciously, hoping he wouldn't have a way to read minds.

That would make him very dangerous for me to be around him.

At the same time I was also shocked, he seemed to know how my body adapted to the fusion better than I did.

Octatus waved his hands in dismissal.

"Meh it's nothing serious, the adults were just talking before you decided to faint for a few Years."


I screamed in shock, realizing I hadn't asked how long I had been asleep for.

This caused all my earlier doubts to vanish and brought to mind my mothers reaction when I first woke up.

I was just about to start patting myself to see what changed when Octatus burst out laughing.

"Your reactions are just as good as your fathers. You were only out for a little more than a day, don't stress so much or your hair will fall out. Come on, it's time you enter our tower."

I was more than slightly aggrieved by his idea of a prank but all of that vanished at his last words.

I was finally going to enter the off limit towers!

Finally paying attention to my surroundings I realized that we were in front of the tower belonging to the water clan.

In front of us there was a massive carved archway with the usual guard standing off to the side.

Beyond the archway was shrouded in darkness despite us standing in front of it.

As Octatus led me through the entrance the guard bowed, not only to him, but to myself as well.

Realizing this would become a frequent occurrence now that I had been adopted into the clan head's family.

I mentally made a vow to myself and on the memory of Lisa that I would never let this position go to my head.

If it wasn't for the clan head's invitation I wouldn't be getting any special treatment at all.

I shook my head and followed him into the archway muttering to myself quietly.

"Stay humble, only the empty cup can hold water."

Once I passed through the archway my vision went black.

Unbeknownst to me, my actions had won me an excellent impression in the eyes of the guard.

Back in the living room in Octatus' home both of Etanali's parents were still seated, only now with wild windswept hairdos.

"He sure was excited wasn't he."

Etantos spoke to his wife with a sigh but she seemed to be still in her own world, enjoying the snacks and refreshments provided for them.

He shook his head at his wife's antics.

Seeing as she was ignoring him he thought to himself 'I should watch what they get up to.'

But before he moved 2 steps his wife spoke.

"Let them have their fun. Don't forget Octatus just lost the last of family. Let him have his time with our son, I'm sure he needs it. Besides, at worst he will be returned only slightly drowned."

Etantos made a face at this, memories of his own inauguration at the tower flashed through his mind and he sat down next to his wife.

They both indulged in the hot tea and snacks while shivering occasionally as they remembered things.

On the other side of the archway a large room came into view.

It wasn't anything fancy but it was deceivingly large compared to what it looks like it should be.

But in my excitement of seeing the massive room I blurted out something I probably shouldn't have.

"Holy crap it's enlarged with spatial magic!"

But as soon as I had spoken I realized that it wasn't something a normal 8 year old would say and I needed to cover my tracks well.

Octatus looked at me in surprise.

"That's correct, how did you know that?"

Thinking quickly I made up something on the spot.

"I asked my dad about the different kinds of magic one day, and he told me about a kind of magic that can make small spaces much bigger. And this room couldn't be this big based on how it looks outside."

"Very good Etanali. A mage should always ask questions and listen carefully to everything around them. You must be like an empty cup."

I blushed as I realized he had heard my earlier words.

"It's good to not want to be arrogant, but you also need to not let yourself become meek. What would you rather be; a big proud tiger who chooses to be nice or a small meek lizard who has to be nice?"

I knew he was trying to teach me a lesson here so I tried to answer in the best way a normal 8 year old would.

"I like lizards so I would be a nice lizard."

Octatus chuckled at my answer before continuing.

"So you decided to be a lizard. What happens when someone wants to take what you worked hard for? You can't do anything because you are a small meek lizard. Yes you are nice but some people won't care how nice you are. Some may mistake being nice as being weak and push you around. If you were a tiger who chose to be nice then people would still like you. But in the future if someone wants to do something you don't like, you need to be able to push back against what they want."

Nodding to show I understood the metaphor he was using I responded with an example.

"So when I didn't want you to take away my parents I was a little lizard because I was too weak. So I need to be strong in order to be soft, otherwise my softness will be stepped on and my voice will go unheard."

"Exactly Etanali, exactly."

He bent down and looked me in the eyes and spoke in a soft voice.

"You know I would never actually separate you from your parents, that would be much too cruel a reality for you. I would never do that."

He opened his arms and asked.

"Will you give me a hug and forgive me for my earlier actions?"

Feeling the regret in his tone and misunderstanding it, I nodded my head.

I gave him a tight hug and while in his embrace, spoke to him softly.

"Of course I forgive you, aren't we family too now? Could I call you my second father?"

At my words I could feel him tremble slightly and he buried his face in my shoulder.

"Of course you can, I would like that very much."

After hugging for a few seconds he released me and grabbed my hand.

"Ready to check out the tower and see what you are made of kiddo?"

I responded with a big smile and squeezed his hand tightly.

With this I knew that Octatus would never have any ill intentions towards me, and I had earned myself a strong protector.

"Yes, let's go see."