My Opinion About Him

My opinion about him so far is that he really serious so far with what his saying and his action but i dont know what he did behind but what i know is he is a good man and i really fall in love with him and i was wished isnt the wrong feeling i have now and i wish isnt the wrong action i take.

I just feel like he is everything for me and i will try to makes it survive as long as possible and i will try do all my best for it and i swear that i wouldnt make him feel dissapoinment with his decisin to love me.

I dont what happened in my mind i just like always think about him and always miss him all the time its same like if i was alone and not do anything it will be suddenly he come to my mind and i feel i missed him so much and i was hope that he feel the same like me.

He is really sweet guy i ever meet in my life and i was really want it last to be forever but i dont know let destiny and god who decided about that and i just will go like flowing water and hope the best fo both of us.