Statement For My Mom

Mom i wish you understand why i love him so much and i want you to know that i think i will be happy with him i guess but if the destiny that we can't be together i don't know what i going to do about it i just feel like probably me and steven can be together and be happy because i think we are love each other and i think we are suit to be together mom i wish you accepted my relationship with him like you accepted me as who i am mom.

I just want to be happy and i am tired being sad and quiet now i just want to be open and be who i am no matter what now i just don't care what people think about me mom because whoever i am i still me when the first and the last time they saw me i am never changed i just being different and take different path.

I am really glad mom when i come out to you, your reaction is makes me feel touched mom 'cause i never know that your reaction will be like that but i really happy and i am glad that when i am coming out to you someone i love was there and he laying next to me and keep me strong to answer and telling you the truth about that mom.