I really love my family because after all what happened and after all the things i told them they have still accepted me no matter what i am and they just being supportive about everything, and they just want me to be happy with the way i am and they said if i am happy with this way they will be happy for me too.

I mean at first i was afraid to tell them about everything because i was afraid that they didn't going to accepted me and if i didn't tell them about it, it's really torturing me and i can't handle it anymore but at the same time i also afraid to come out to them.

But i am glad that i found someone who wants to be there for me when i come out to my family even is not as a plan but i really glad that he give me a courage to come out to family he convince me that no matter what happened your family is already know about you and they just wait for you to speak up to them and also your family going to accepted you no matter what you are and it's really a nice speech and a couragemant from him and also i really thank to him for being there.