You know what i hate the most is in the time that i really want you right here next to me now but i know i can't have and i only can text you or call you i hate that i wish i could talk to you and cuddle you in person and i am feed up with it.

But i know there is nothing i could do about it and i just needed to be patient and wait for you to come here and i am going to cuddle you so tight and i am not going to let you go and i am going to give you a lot of kiss because that's all the things i want to do when you here with me and i will love that so much and i want it so badly.

I want you to know that there is nothing on this earth i am waiting to see and look forward to meeting with and makes me happy as you make me feel so happy when i see you and you makes me always smile with your own way which i am really love it so much and i am really feel thankful because i could find someone like which i love the most.