My mother always knows my things. "You are scared of heights." "You will feel sick if you dont eat before 10 am." "I remember you were chased by a frog as a child, it made you afraid of it" "You only eat spicy food if I cook it for you." From this, I know that being known is being loved.

One day someone will tell you how you mean so much to them and maybe they will know your things too. "I always see how you close your eyes when we're on top of a building and you look down." "Your breakfast always starts at 9 am" "You always make that face when you see a frog" "You always say that you missed your mother's cook, it made you want to go home."

Being known is being loved, it makes you feel appreciated and irreplaceable and I know that I already found a person who already knows me and I know that he is loves me and I wish it will never chances after I bring him to my family later on because we've been planning on it.