At first I never know how my life will be when I didn't meet you yet but after I meet you I finally realize what I want to do for my life and what I want to do for my relation life because now I didn't think just for me but also for both of us.

I mean before I met you and after the dark times all I can think is how I can live and survived in this world and to manage my self to be a better version in my life and after I met you all I can think is to makes you happy and how to be happy.

I really thankful to you for coming into my life and showed me what I want for my life you are is everything to me and i love you no matter what and i am so sorry to keep saying I know you might be bored of it when you read this book but that's the way I feel so I can't lied or hide it from you I just want you to know that.

You are like the angel that I looking for in my entire life and I am thankful that i finally meet you and I am thank to god because he made me met you and he made you for me I know it's so selfish to say that but what I can say I already falling in love to deeply to you.