Today I dont know I just feel a bit empty and I just feel like I was all alone lately but the truth is I am not because I know there someone who loves me the way I love him and I want him so much and I know that he do the same.

But sometimes i can make any difference between being vulnerable and being open because for me its just feel the same which i am wrong because they are very different and you cant put them all together.

Being vulnerable is that you are sacrifice everything for someone that you love and you willing to do everything to made them happy but being open is like they being open to you about everything but the truth is you didn't know anything about them, but you just tend that you know them so deep but you are not.

So, for someone that I already call you mine I just want you to know that I am not just being open to you just because I want you to know about me but I also being vulnerable in the same time because I really like you and I am willing to sacrifice my feeling and my happines to made you happy and always smile.

Because I love you so much and I don't know if i ever tell you about this but you are the greatest things that ever happened in my life and I am not gonna let this gone easily I will fight for you and I will fight for us no matter what.