Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for, because once it's gone you never going to find the same like it.

Because your desire can make you blind and didn't see very cleary what you have now and you didn't gonna know how value things is after they long gone and you just only had your regret for didn't took care of it.

So that's why I always saying to myself that what I desired is doesn't matter with what I have now and what I have now is more important to me and I better look after it before it's too late.

And that's the one big reason that I tell you that you are more than enough for me and I will fight for you and love you whole my life because you are the most precious thing in my life and you are very value to me because I Love you so deeply and nothing going to changes that.