Sometimes something that you didn't hoping to happened but it does happen and you can't run from it and its just heart breaking when it does happen, I mean I talk about this from experience recently and I really didn't hope for that to happen but it does happen because it is out of my control.

  But from that I can learn that no matter what happened do not to put a lot hope in something and when it's not as your expected you will be having really heart breaking and you will feel like everything it broken a part.

  But you should know and remember never lost hope only because you get some bad result in your way, you always have another opportunity to fix it and you will get a chance someday to make it right.

  And just remember this is the way of life and also never ever lost hope on everything but just not too much deep so you wouldn't get heart breaking heart by the hope that you make just always try to put a little faith on people and things and you will make it.