You know that feeling when something is so beautiful that it almost hurts? Like when its late and you're talking to someone you love and you don't want to sleep because reality is so much better and more exciting than your dreams?

  Or when you're in the car with your blasting throwback songs with the windows down and life suddenly seems bright? Or when you're dancing at the concert of your favorite band to that one song that changed your life and all your problems instantly disappear?

  That's my favorite feeling because whenever I got someone to talk to and I really need them to clear my chest and my mind so I can think straight after that and my journey back to the reality, and its feel so good if you got someone that you can put your head in their shoulder and they won't ask you a thing because they know that you are not in the good situation.

  I like to have a feeling where you know no matter what happened that they will be there for you and they won't leave you alone to face the reality and they know that you need them to stay by your side even though never said and I am so thankful that I already found that person and I really love him fully from deep down my heart.