Echoes of Hi

In the dimly lit corners of memory, there exists a one-page story, etched with the faint ink of longing and the bittersweet taste of regret. It begins with a simple greeting, a fleeting "hi" that hung in the air like a delicate promise. Yet, in the unraveling of time, that innocuous greeting bloomed into something more—a garden of laughter, stolen glances, and whispered confessions.

With each passing day, the tendrils of attachment wound tighter, weaving a tapestry of shared moments and intertwined souls. Amidst the chaos of life, there was solace found in the warmth of companionship, in the steady rhythm of a heartbeat that mirrored one's own.

But as shadows lengthened and dusk settled upon their fragile bond, the realization dawned like a distant sunrise—happiness, once sought in the reflection of another, had become a fleeting illusion. In the silence of introspection, the truth emerged, stark and unforgiving.

For in allowing another to become the sole source of joy, they had relinquished their own autonomy, surrendering to a precarious balance that teetered on the edge of dependency. The "hi" that once heralded a new beginning now echoed with the weight of unspoken words, a silent lament for what could have been.

And so, with heavy hearts and hesitant steps, they retreated from the precipice of their shared illusion, leaving behind the echoes of what once was. In the quiet aftermath of their parting, they discovered the subtle beauty of self-discovery, learning to find solace not in the embrace of another, but in the gentle whisper of their own existence.