Chapter 3 - Mariya Yuri

Ding Dong,

Not long after, Miyuki placed the dishes and glasses on the table, and the doorbell rang.

Hearing the doorbell, a smile appeared on Miyuki's face. From the original owner's memory, he understood who was coming.

Stepping forwards he went to open the door. Opening the door what was presented in front of him was a girl with a gentle smile. She has thigh-length light brown hair that is tied at the bottom by different-colored ribbons while there are two black-white cylinder clips hanging on each shoulder-length hair strand with square bangs hanging over her forehead, brown eyes, and a somewhat fragile yet alluring figure. Wearing a standard Japanese junior high school dress, she looked absolutely beautiful.

"Come in, Yuri." After looking at Mariyama Yuri for a few seconds, Miyuki came back to his senses and invited her in.

"How many times do I have to tell you to add san or chan when you speak," Yuri said in a helpless tone and looked at Miyuki reproachfully, and walked in.

As for the behavior of staring, Yuri didn't think it was strange, after all, Miyuki just looked for a few seconds.

"Don't mind, I am already used to calling Yuri." Miyuki rubbed the back of his head and spoke lightly.

I don't know if it's the system's work or something, but the original owner called all the relatives and close friends by name directly. He didn't add san, kun, or chan like the usual Japanese.

Thanks to this Miyuki was able directly to call the name and he didn't have to feel awkward due to a sudden change in the way of calling someone.

Although he will try to adapt to Japanese culture, he still feels awkward when he just started.

Yuri looked at Miyuki helplessly and shook her head. She was also used to hearing Myuki call her name directly, so her reproach just now was symbolic, if Miyuki really started to add san or chan to her name then she would have wondered whether he was alienating her.

Seeing Yuri walking in, Miyuki closed the door and said, "Give me the bag and go to the dining table, Yuki should be coming soon."

"Ok," Yuri neatly handed her bag to Miyuki and walked towards the dining table.

Taking the bag, Miyuki walked up to the sofa in the living room and placed it there. Then he looked at Yuri who gracefully sat on the chair and began to arrange the food in the dishes.

Just like the original, Mariya Yuri is gentle and kind Miko of a shrine. It's just there is a slight deviation from the original.

When the original owner was a child he met Yuri while playing in the shrine. At that time, the original owner saw that Yuri was alone and looked terrified, so, he went to her and said to play with her because didn't want her to look lonely and terrified. Yuri at the moment had just returned after experiencing the terror of Voban. Yuri was under psychological trauma, so she didn't agree to play with the original owner.

Since that day original owner went to the shrine and asked Yuri to play and even if Yuri didn't play, he would tell some stories to her.

I don't know if Yuri was moved or annoyed, she agreed to play with the original owner after a month of the continuous effort of the original owner.

Although they didn't play anything other than the children's games, Yuri's previous mood was diluted a lot due to the original owner's effort.

After that day, the original owner and Yuri became friends. Since then the original owner would usually go to the shrine to play with Yuri.

It wasn't until mid of second year of junior high school that the frequency of his visiting dropped sharply because he began to like anime and novels.

Because the Shrine isn't too far away, Yuri was once invited home by the original owner.

Although she refused at first, after a few more invitations she agreed.

The original owner thought that since there was no one in the shrine, Yuri might feel lonely. Thinking so, he decided to let Yuri live with his family, so, she won't be lonely.

The original owner was also a very straightforward person. He directly expressed his thought to Yuri. At that time Yuri had just gotten out of the shadow with the help of the original owner, so, even though she rejected the original owner about the matter of living, she began to frequently visit the original owner.

After they arrived in the third year of junior high school, Yuri began to visit in the morning because the original owner would sleep very late because of watching anime. She would come and wake up the original owner and his sister and prepare breakfast and bento for the three of them. The original owner was embarrassed to accept such kindness without repaying, so, he would also occasionally sleep normally and wake up early to cook so that Yuri wouldn't feel tired.

This is also the reason why Yuri didn't feel surprised when Miyuki opened the door and said that he has cooked.

Once again, searching his memory, Miyuki was relieved when he found that there was no such thing as love between the original owner and Yuri yet. The reason for Miyuki being relieved is that he doesn't want Yuri to like him because of the original owner of this body. He wants her to like him because he is himself not someone who is occupying another person's body.

Thankfully, even though Yuri had a good impression of the original owner but that's it. The original owner never really attacked Yuri's heart, so it was only natural that there was no love, after all, Yuri was very conservative. She would never think about falling in love.

After looking at Yuri for a while, Miyuki left and went into his room, and changed into his school uniform.

Yuri looked at Miyuki who just left and muttered, "Strange, why do I feel Miyuki-kun has changed and there is something odd about him."

As the owner of the highest level spiritual vision, Yuri has a very high sensitivity towards magic power and the like, so, even though Miyuki tried his best to hide, Yuri was able something. Thankfully the power systems in the two worlds are different otherwise Yuri would have directly seen the essence of Miyuki's power.

"Anyway, it's fine as long as Miyuki-kun isn't in danger." Yuri could tell that Miyuki was fine, and what happened might be a good thing, so, she didn't explore too much.

She has a high degree of trust in Miyuki so she understands that if something really happened he will tell her, after all, since childhood Miyuki was a straightforward person, he would directly express his thoughts to her.

Even the matter of living together can be said, what else can't he say?

Thinking so, Yuri remembered the time when he directly invited her to live with him without much preparation. Her cheeks became slightly red and she shook her head thinking, ''What are you thinking Yuri, you're too shameless."

An innocent, gentle yet introverted girl like Yuri can accept Miyuki's invitation and come to his house every day, she naturally has a good impression of him.

Although it hasn't yet turned into love, that's only because the two of them didn't know much about love and none of the two people has broken the window paper between friends.

The day anyone of them being the window paper was the day when their relationship changes.

"Sister Yuri..." Yuri's thoughts were interrupted by Yuki who had walked out of the bath and changed into her school uniform.

"Good morning." Yuki walked forward and greeted Yuri.

"Morning, Yuki-chan. How are you?" Yuri looked at Yuki who had an innocent smile and said while stroking her hair lightly.

"I am fine." Yuki said in an energetic tone and sat on the chair opposite to Yuri and continued, "Yuri nee-chan, dish. Serve the dish, I am hungry."

"Wait for your Oni-chan. We will start eating after he comes." Yuri slapped Yuki's small hands which were streching toward the dish.

"Hum." Yuki looked a little aggrieved but she still nodded. She knew that it was necessary to wait for Oni-chan.

"Ok, you glutton. I am here, let's begin eating." Miyuki saw the scene when just came downstairs. He rubbed Yuki's little head and spoke then he sat beside Yuri.

"Yuri, let me help you." Miyuki took the dish from Yuri's hand and began to serve.

"Huh!" Yuri was stunned when she saw Miyuki sitting beside her. She gave him the dish in a dazed state.

After she came back to her senses, her cheeks turned red. Previously, Miyuki always sat beside Yuki, so, suddenly sitting beside her, Yuri felt shy. After all, Miyuki was quite special to her.

Looking at Yuri's shy and dazed state, Miyuki smiled. He understood Yuri really had a good impression of himself or rather former self. So, he began to try to subtly change his image in Yuri's heart and then get her heart.

Seeing the interaction between Miyuki and Yuri, Yuki puffed her cheek and said, "Oni-chan serve the dish, I am hungry."

"Ok." Miyuki put the steamed rice in front of Yuki and then miso soup and others while helping Yuri arrange other dishes.

Hearing Yuki's voice, Yuri relaxed and slowly recover from her shy state. Then she served the dish with Miyuki.

"Let's begin." After serving the dish, Miyuki spoke.

"Itadakimas." Three voices sounded in unison and three people began to eat.

"Delicious." Miyuki couldn't help but think when he ate the meat-type dish. At this moment all of his previous life's concept of food changed and he accept non-veg foods completely.

While eating none of the three said anything. Even heartless Yuki didn't speak. Not speaking when eating was already their habit of three.

After the three of them finished eating, Miyuki collected the dish and said, "You two wait in the living room. We will go after I wash the dishes."

"Miyuki let me help." Yuri offered to help. She was embarrassed to eat when she didn't help much.

"Ok." Miyuki knew her nature so he readily accepted her request.

Leaving Yuki in the living room, two of them walked into the kitchen. After wearing the apron they began to wash the dishes.

"Yuri, how is the shrine?" Miyuki asked while washing.

"It's still the same. Not many people come to the shrine. Nowadays people don't believe in gods, so, the shrine is almost dilapidated." Yuri said in a helpless tone.

"Yuri, do you know what this is." Miyuki showed his magic power to Yuri. He trusts Yuri very much, not only because of anime but also because of the memory of the original owner. He doesn't want her to worry about him and he also knew that he wouldn't get Yuri if he didn't show enough power, so, he showed a little bit of his strength to Yuri.

"Huh! Magic power..." Although slightly different but Yuri can tell that it's magic power. She looked at Miyuki with undisguised surprise. She didn't expect Miyuki to have magic power. At this moment she understood why she felt Miyuki changed a lot compared to yesterday.

"Miyuki can you tell me why you..." Just as Yuri was about to ask, Miyuki spoke and gave the answer she wanted.

"I know you're worried Yuri but don't worry too much." Miyuki cleaned the dish and put it in the rank then he spoke while changing the form of magic in his hand.

"Yuri you should know that I am an orphan." Miyuki took another dish and began to wash it while speaking.

"Hmm." Yuri nodded. She knew that her childhood sweetheart was an orphan who was adopted by the Ariyama couple when he was young.

"The reason for my change is my bloodline."

"Bloodline..." Yuri muttered. Looking at Miyuki, Yuri guessed that he probably had some great bloodline and it awakened yesterday.

In the world of God slayer, there are still many types of bloodlines. Paladins, magicians, and even a few gods' bloodlines are present in this world.

As an outstanding shrine Miko, Yuri knows about various bloodlines in the world, so, she believed that Miyuki should have awakened the bloodline.

What's more her trust in Miyuki is very high, so, she believes that he will tell the truth, and even if he doesn't tell the truth Yuri is willing to believe him.

"It's indeed bloodline. The blood in my body is the blood of the spirit(elf) who is born directly from the world. It is the darling of the world and nature." Miyuki breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Yuri believed him then he explained a little about his true ancestor's bloodline like this. Because there is no true ancestor in this world, so, it's too troublesome to explain his bloodline. Therefore he introduced it like this.

In fact, what Miyuki said was correct. The true ancestors in type moon are really elves. They are elves bred by the world, so, they can naturally be called the darling of nature. It's just only Arcueid can be said to have the favor of the world, other than her no true ancestor has the favor of the world.

Yuri fully believed what Miyuki said. Although she didn't know any elf bloodline, her trust was enough to make her believe in Miyuki. What's more, she could tell that Miyuki was sincere through his eyes and he didn't tell any lie. So, she had no reason not to believe Miyuki.

"It's good that you have Bloodline." Yuri looked at Miyuki and revealed a beautiful smile. Before this, she felt guilty about pulling Miyuki into the world of magic. Now that he has become stronger, she naturally feels happy and even her guilt was reduced a lot.
