Chapter 10 - Labyrinth City - Orario

As the center of the world, the prosperity and excitement of Orario cannot be described in simple words.

Although the convenience cannot be compared with modern civilization but the atmosphere is absolutely amazing.

When Miyuki passed through the city gate, he was still greatly surprised by the fantasy atmosphere of another world that rushed to his face.

People come and go on the streets as night falls, ordinary residents, merchants and pawns, girls and warriors, men and women, and gods with extraordinary bearing.

All kinds of existences crowded the streets of Orario, and on both sides of the road were shouting vendors and bargaining buyers, arguing endlessly over the price of a commodity.

The environment can't be said to be good, but it's definitely not bad. The streets paved with white bricks are filled with the smell of food and wine, and all kinds of fantasy races walk in front of Miyuki.

An elf with elegant posture and exquisite appearance, an orc with a physique as strong as a bull, and a little human who carries a huge package but still walks like flying.

And all kinds of other beings gathered here to form the life of the city.

The crystal hanging on the stone pillar exudes a soft light.

Although there is no electricity, it can be replaced by glowing ore.

Perhaps it was because the night was approaching, and many adventurers had just returned from their adventures in the dungeons. They walked together in twos and threes, discussing where to go tonight.

Miyuki once again refreshed his views about the world.

What you see on the screen is far less real than what you experience in person.

"How about it, are you scared?" Amazon threw her arms around Miyuki's shoulders and asked

"No." Miyuki shook his head. Not to mention scared, he was excited when he saw Orario.

Every modern person has the dream of coming to a fantasy world. Miyuki is the same. Naturally, he is excited after seeing Orario.

If it wasn't for Artemis leaving just now, he would have said goodbye and left to wander around the city.

After returning to Orario, Artemis went to the guild alone to report on the mission.

Unlike ordinary gods who form families and enjoy themselves all day long, Artemis is almost the only god among all the gods who fights on the front line with her family members.

You know, after the gods are in the lower realm, all the divine powers are sealed.

Therefore, apart from the difference in nature, no matter whether it is physical strength or flesh, there is no difference from ordinary people.

Once the divine power is used, it will be discovered by the rules, and then forcibly sent back to heaven.

At this moment, the Heaven Realm is almost empty, so for the gods, returning to the Heaven Realm to stay is a more terrifying punishment than death.

Besides, gods don't die.

If life is in danger, it will also activate divine power and return to the sky.

This is why, even if there are gods living in poverty, they will not be violated by malicious adventurers.

The appearance and temperament of the goddesses are different from ordinary people. If they hadn't taken the initiative, even the highest-level adventurers would not even think about doing those things.

"Little brother, seeing that you are not familiar with the place of life, come with us tonight!" The bold and unrestrained girl spoke and hugged Miyuki's shoulders. Immediately the power of lv3, like an eagle wrapped him around and moved forward.

Although Miyuki can get rid of it but that would be a bit eye-catching.

What's more, being taken away by the big sister is not a bad thing, So, Miyuki let it go and asked curiously, "Where are you going now?"

"Of course, I went to drink! I finally came back to Orario, I must have a good drink, no, a barrel!"

Hearing this, even the elves and little human girls who were walking beside her showed signs of anticipation.

They have been investigating in the jungle for a long time.

Although they have long been used to living in the wild, Orario's food is more delicious.

Chatting like this, a group of people walked through the shops and came to the pedestrian street lined with taverns.

After a day's work, and the adventurers who returned safely from the dungeon, as always, they concluded with drinks.

There was a jovial air from the taverns, and roars and laughter.

The orange streamer dances on the road under the shaking of the figure.

This kind of scene, for the first-time traveler, somewhat aroused Miyuki's spirit.

Finally, the group stopped in front of a tavern.

"Hostess of Fertility".

The words from the other world did not bother Miyuki, and neither did the communication.

Perhaps, this is also the system's own benefit.

"This is it. I personally think it's the best tavern in the city. There are enough drinks and the prices are quite reasonable!" The bold woman spoke and led the seemingly ignorant boy into the tavern.

In this place, of course, there is no rule that prohibits minors from drinking alcohol.

Inside the store,

The waitresses, who were so busy, walked around carrying the plates, and all the staffs were women.

Miyuki is no stranger to this store.

Whether it is Syr or Ryuu Lion of the elves, they are all women with stories behind them.

He was quite impressed by them in his previous life.

What's more, in this tavern, many famous family members often come to have dinner.

"Excuse me, how many guests are there?"

At this moment, a blond girl with a cold expression appeared in front of Miyuki.

Ryuu Lion, Elven girl,

Just like the anime and novels Miyuki read in the past, the description of the elves is synonymous with purity, elegance, and beauty.

Ryuu quietly looked at the few people, to be precise she looked at Miyuki feeling a bit strange. Miyuki gave her a strange yet cordial feeling. Shaking her head, Ryuu put away her distracted thoughts and waited for a response.

The expressionless girl looked indifferent, but her attire made people feel cute and cute in contrast.

She wears a white blouse and a leaf-colored sundress that reaches below the knees, with a longer lower apron tied over the skirt.

The long blond hair was tied up with a hair accessory, with a ponytail, and the bangs on both sides were slightly curved and pulled up.

"Drink, drink! If you don't get drunk today, you won't return!" The woman with Miyuki in her arms cheered happily, and the atmosphere in the store could easily infect the women of Amazon.

"Then, please come with me." Ryuu nodded, then turned and walked away.

Several people followed behind her and soon came to an empty seat.

Miyuki was pulled to sit in the middle of wooden tables, chairs, and long benches, surrounded by a group of big sisters.

And when he sat down, it was obvious that he had received a few malicious looks.

He looked around and found several drunks looking at him enviously.

Miyuki smiled and he didn't care about these gazes. He was already used to such gazes in God killer world. After all, he was very close to Yuri who was the goddess of school.

What's more, Miyuki understands that if you come to a tavern with a group of girls, of course, it is easy to be hostile by men. 

However, at this moment, Miyuki suddenly felt someone was looking at him with an interested and hot gaze.

Although he didn't who it was, he could feel that the owner of this gaze seems to be different from other girls around him who were also interested in him.

Such gaze made Miyuki react a little bit but since he didn't feel malicious, Miyuki let it go.

Immediately afterward, a soft voice came from the side of the table.

"Ryuu is ordering for everyone, please wait a moment, so let me come over and have a look first, do you want to order anything else?"

The girl in uniform was holding a silver tray, squinting her eyes, and stood beside her with a slightly bowed body.

The cute appearance and gentle smile are enough to relieve the exhaustion of an adventurer for a day.

The lustrous and dull silver-gray hair is tied into a ball, and a tail hangs below it, which is somewhat similar to a ponytail variant. The eyes are the same as the hair color, and they are all silver-gray.

The skin exposed on the face and arms is as white and delicate as milk, and the natural and pretty temperature is as kind and pleasant as the girl next door.

"I have to order one of the signature dishes in the store, oh, I almost forgot, what do you want to eat, little brother?" Asked the woman sitting with her.

"I see that you are not very old, but you should be an adventurer. Our restaurant recommends creamy curry rice and hot spicy fried noodles. Please feel free to choose whichever you like."

A girl with a sweet smile is enough to get close to others in an instant.

"Little brother is not an adventurer yet. We picked him up outside the city two days ago. Because he is cute, we took him along."

In this world that advocates force, young men will always be favored by the opposite sex.

Miyuki's background is good. After merging with the true ancestor bloodline and transforming once, his appearance is nothing to say.

What's more, is that most of the adventures are a group of thick guys with rough nerves. Naturally, a soft and handsome guy like Miyuki will attract attention.

"Huh? Isn't the customer an adventurer? That's really great...Uh, ahem, newcomers like you are most welcome in this store. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask."

The girl showed an evil smile and brought her face closer to Miyuki's eyes.

With silver-gray pupils, the scrutinizing gaze flickered away.


The warm air was gently blown onto Miyuki's face, making him smell a sweet scent.

Looking at the girl's smile, Miyuki's mouth twitched. From the original work, he knew that this girl cheated Bell a little in the start. Although she repair Bell and helped

Seeing the playful and scheming look in her eyes, Miyuki could tell that she might have plans to cheat him.

Although he wanted to enjoy the protagonist's treatment, he didn't want to be cheated.

"I will." Taking a deep breath, Miyuki nodded.

Well, the girl is beautiful, and he doesn't mind being cheated as long as it's not too much. After all, this girl was quite kind to Bell later on.

What's more, the background of the girl is quite mysterious.

She might be the real daughter or goddaughter of Freya. Even she might be Freya herself.

"System, can you detect whether Syr is Freya or not," Miyuki asked his system. He didn't like Freya, so he didn't want to know that the girl beside him was Freya.

[ Host, Syr isn't Freya nor her avatar. She is a real human being. Her body and soul are no different from ordinary humans other than having special eyes. ]

Hearing the system's answer Miyuki breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he hates Freya but he likes Syr. When he watched the anime in his previous life, he had a good impression of Syr, so, he didn't Syr to be replaced by Freya.

What's more, as a man yearning for a harem, he had included Syr in his attack list.

If it was Freya then Miyuki would have to consider whether to interact with Syr.

All in all, everything went well and Miyuki felt happy that Syr was his favorite character, not his hated character.

"By the way, can you detect the relationship between Freya and Syr?" Miyuki asked. Since he has decided to attack Syr later, he needs to know her information.

[ Sorry host, system energy is insufficient and you haven't met Freya. So, the system can't detect the relationship between Freya and Syr. ]

"It's okay." Miyuki sighed. He should have understood that he might not be able to know everything through the system
