Chapter 15 - Loli Goddess, Hestia

After solving the minotaurs, Miyuki looked at the three people he had saved.

The female adventurer of the human race looked at her companion who died tragically and lamented endlessly. The elf girl might be a little timid, but she was helped up by another small human race girl.

Sensing Miyuki's gaze, the three girls walked towards him together and bowed lightly to thank him.

In the underground city, you need to pay attention to safety at all times.

"Thank you very much for your rescue. If it weren't for you, we might have become food in the mouth of the Minotaur."

Dungeon monsters can also eat people.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the corpse of the temporary teammate, and it was inevitable that the rabbit died and the fox was sad.

But the joy of surviving after the catastrophe made them understand the preciousness of life and their gratitude to the youth.

More than 30 Minotaurs, if it is an ordinary adventurer team, will definitely choose to turn around and leave, so it is wise to protect yourself.

Miyuki's rescue not only saved them, it also made them have a good impression of him.

Faced with the enthusiasm of the girls, Miyuki was only doing comforting work.

A few minutes later, it was still difficult for the girls to calm down.

"The Minotaur is the strongest monster in the middle layer. Although they often appear in groups, more than 30 of them will not appear at once. What's the matter?" Miyuki all curiously. He was curious as to why so many minotaurs appeared on the seventeenth floor.

"I don't know." The human girl shook her head and said, "My companions and I explored here, planning to defeat a few Minotaurs here, and then go to the safe floor to exchange for some supplies, but unexpectedly, the number of monsters that appeared was much higher than that. Then you can imagine, and what follows is what you saw."

They have not yet recovered from the aftertaste of terror.

The girls stammered, and Miyuki couldn't continue to ask.

"I'm going back to the surface next, are you going to follow?"

The boy's question immediately received unanimous responses from the three girls.

"Yes." Three girls nodded in unison.

After experiencing such a thing, they can't wait to return to the ground immediately.

"What about your companions?"

"Before forming the team, we have already reported to each other the family we belong to, so we will take his relics back. If he has relatives, the main god of the family will give the relics to his family for safekeeping." The elf girl said sadly.

Kind girls.

Miyuki didn't regret his shot.

The supporter of the little people walked over, took off the package and weapon tied around the man's waist, closed his eyes, and trotted back.

And Miyuki burned his body with flames.

"Let's go."

The three women followed closely beside Miyuki, ready to follow the boss to leave.

The distance between the middle layer and the surface is not too deep. With Miyuki sweeping out the monsters, it only a few hours for them to return to the ground.

The color covering the sky has gradually changed from bright morning to twilight.

Go back to the square.

"Thank you very much for your rescue today, otherwise, I would never see my companions and family members again."

Breathing the cool air, the wide sky finally allowed the girls to relax.

Then, the three women gestured with their eyes, and the elf girl among them took out a money bag and handed it to Miyuki.

"This is a thank you gift...the money is not much, so please don't mind."

"Keep the money for yourself. After returning the relics, you can rest for a few days and adjust your mind before going to attack the dungeon." Miyuki put the purse back into the girl's palm.

"Life is only once, and life is more important than money." Saying so, he couldn't help touching the elf girl's head, and then Miyuki left from there.

The three women stood there, unable to recover for a long time.

In the end, the elf girl whispered: "Oops! I forgot to ask which family he belongs to."

"Have you taken a fancy to someone?"

"No, the feeling he gave me was very cordial, so I want to know him."

"He is such a powerful adventurer, you can find out after a little inquiry."


After parting with those girls, Miyuki didn't go back directly but came to the guild's residence.

The people in the Adventurer's Guild were very busy, and there were quite a few adventurers who were entertained by Eina. It was not until about twenty minutes later that it was Miyuki's turn.

Looking tired, the half-elf girl leaning on the chair and rubbing the center of her brows let out a breath.

But when he saw the boy smiling at him, he suddenly exclaimed.

"...Yes, it's you!" Eina spoke with a face full of disbelief.

"Why can't it be me?" Miyuki was puzzled, because of what happened that night, did she not want to see him?

Not too possible.

He is somewhat confident in his looks.

"Hug, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I just didn't expect to see you again." Eina looked At the surroundings and apologized with a flushed face then she sat back.

"I haven't seen you for so many days, I thought you were in the dungeon..." The girl covered her mouth and say the following words.

Death is a very taboo word among adventurers.

"A few days ago, I didn't have time to go to the dungeon because I had something to do, so I took the time to go there today."

"You just went to the dungeon today." Eina breathed a sigh of relief.

If this is the case, it can indeed explain why no one has been seen for five days.

After all, adventurers will not come to the guild without incident.

Except for those men who deliberately strike up a conversation with themselves.

"Which floor did you go to?" Eina asked.

This is the information you need to master as an adventurer advisor, and an advisor will also provide advice based on the adventurer's current situation.

That's Eina's job.

"You have to be careful of the monsters on the fifth floor. From there, the path of the maze becomes complicated."

"The seventeenth floor, because there was no time, so I temporarily retreated, and then exchanged the magic stones and props dropped by the monsters for money."

The currency exchanged last time has almost been spent.

"The seventh floor? No! The seventeenth floor! Are you teaming up with other adventurers?"

The document in her hand fell with a splash, and Eina's unbelievable expression only made people feel cute.

"No one is willing to form a team with a rookie who hasn't joined the family. Miss Eina, can you exchange magic stones for money for me?" Miyuki spread his hands and said.

"You didn't even join the family, you... how did you do it? No, you can't lie!" Eina only thought that Miyuki was bragging.

Just like those boring adventurers who delicately brag about how powerful they are in order to strike up a conversation.

'Why are men like this?' Eina couldn't help sighing in her heart.


Purple-blue magic stones the size of an orc's thumb were piled up on the counter to form a small hill.

In addition to magic stones, there are also rare props that only drop in the middle layer.

Facts speak louder than words.

The scene presented in front of her eyes made Eina's mouth open, in a daze for a long time.

Because, this is the first time she has encountered such an incredible newcomer since she started her career... no, it should be the first time since Orario was built.

"...Is it a hero?"

It's not a title, but a profession that exists in legends.

Before the gods came to the ground, ancient heroes existed. It was they who drove monsters back into the dungeon and stopped the rampage of monsters all over the world.

All the heroes were extraordinarily powerful existence.

If Miyuki is the descendent of a hero then Eina thinks his strength can be explained.

Eina's reaction satisfied Miyuki a lot. He was also thankful that he left many magic stones in the system warehouse.

"I can't believe it, but you have conquered the seventeenth floor by yourself."

In the guest room of the guild, Eina, who was watching the counting of the currency, was very excited, completely opposite to usual.

"This is an unprecedented feat. You must be a descendant of a hero."

Miyuki neither denied nor agreed. In this world full of gods, he needed an explanation for his strength.

Eina looked at silent Miyuki, she took his silence as his answer by default and thought he was really a descendant of a hero.

Thinking about Miyuki being the descendent of a hero, Eina thought of those bored and ideal gods.

Those gods who have nothing to do get to know about Miyuki then they must want to get him like crazy.

"Miss Eina."

"Yes!" The girl caught in the fantasy straightened her body reflexively, letting the tight staff uniform outline her full curves.

Miyuki put away the paper ticket stubs and looked at the girl wearing glasses.

"You're going to keep it a secret?"

"Ah... yes, it is my professional ethics not to disclose the information of adventurers." Eina quickly realized and nodded.

Although she was surprised, she also knew how much this matter would affect him.

"That's good." Miyuki breathed a sigh of relief and nodded then stood up.

"Next time, if I have time, I'll treat you to dinner." Miyuki doesn't know much about this world's culture. So, he can only think about treating her to dinner in order to repay the kindness shown by Eina.

"Yes." After Eina agreed, she found that Miyuki had left the guest room.

In the crack of the half-open door, the reflection in the corridor is from the back.

Eina, who reacted and accepted the date invitation, suddenly raised her mouth.

To her, Miyuki is just a boy like a cute younger brother. In her previous imagination, there was even a scene where Miyuki was frightened by monsters in the dungeon and came to complain.

Eina laughed at her too-realistic imagination.

Really curious.

She looked at the gradually darkening scenery outside the window and did not continue her busy work until her colleagues shouted.

Leaving the Adventurer's Guild, Miyuki saw it was going to rain. He immediately put on the black coat he just bought.

To be honest, this raid on the dungeon surprised him a bit.

It went so well.

The monsters along the way rushed desperately, but they could only howl in the flames and were blown into ashes. There was no such a difficult process as imagined.

There is no danger in the upper layer and the middle layer. Even the fantasy materialization doesn't cost much to eliminate the monsters in these two layers.

If he hadn't met those girls on the seventeenth floor, he could have conquered the deeper maze in one go.

"Then, it's time to find that little loli goddess."

Raiding the dungeon is only the first step. Only after harvesting the blessings of the gods can you progress faster.

Otherwise, if he goes through the usual process. It will take at least more than a thousand years to reach Arceuid's level.

West Street of Orario.

The artisans returning home from get off work and the adventurers who finished exploring the labyrinth crowded West Avenue.

This extremely lively scene appears every day.

In this busy world, there are still people who are happy and others who are worried.

Miyuki, who was wearing a windbreaker was walking around.

The dwarf goddess Hestia is well-known, and any passerby on the road will know this goddess who makes people love and hate.

However, looking at the sea of ​​​​people in front of him, Miyuki felt that if he wanted to find someone here, it would be tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

However, whether it is for his mission or to become stronger, Miyuki could only bite the bullet and start from the streets.

Although he didn't know the timeline, but he remembered that in the original book, because Hestia descended too late, she didn't think about forming a family from the beginning, and she has been living with her friend Hephaestus, the goddess of forging. Eat and drink.

Until Hephaestus couldn't stand his friend's lazy work, she ruthlessly kicked her out.

However, Hephaestus also gave Hestia a place to live and introduced a job so that she could survive on her own.

During this period of time, Hestia was selling fried potato balls at a store on West Avenue. .

Still looking for someone to ask for directions.

Miyuki's appearance is already outstanding, and it is even more outstanding among the five big and three rough adventurers.

With this advantage, he soon learned from a few girls that Hestia's stall sold fried potato balls.

A boy in a windbreaker came here and finally saw Hestia.

The dress is the same as in the animation, the white short dress shows the beautiful figure of the goddess, and the arms are connected by soft blue ribbons, which are usually just shrugged under a pair of fillings, as long as the master moves slightly Make an effort, and it seems that some kind of welcome development will happen.

In that outfit, the goddess wearing the hat and red apron prescribed by the store manager is hawking to the crowd.

The more you sell, the more you earn, so Hestia, who has no one to rely on, works very hard.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, it would have been really hard for Miyuki to believe that the noble and beautiful goddess would be reduced to the same level as a peddler.

But it is true.

Because the gods hate the boring life in the sky, they will start a new life as a "human" in the lower realm.

In addition to not getting sick and getting old, they sealed all the divine powers and experienced the pain and happiness in the world.

In their view, this is a "game".

However, it also invested in real "life".

"Not many people buy it today." Hestia, the goddess with twin tails, looks at the crowd going back and forth and thought.

Whenever his eyes glanced at those adventurers who were following behind his own race, he would show envious eyes.

Since the day Hestia was kicked out and was forced to come out to work, forty-nine people have rejected her invitation in a row.

In the beginning, those novice adventurers were very interested in such a cute and "huge" goddess, but when they heard that she was a novice goddess and had just established a family, they immediately gave up the idea of ​​​​joining.

The adventurers who came to Orario came with the intention of making money and getting ahead.

Although Hestia is beautiful, but because she is a goddess, she can only look at it but not eat it.

What's more, if you want a woman, Orario's Flower Street can meet any needs of adventurers.

For newcomers, the first task is to survive.

This also caused the essence of Hestia's embarrassment.

Without high-level adventurers, it is impossible to attract others to join, and if no one joins, there will be no high-level adventurers.

Completely caught in a vicious circle.

"Have some fries."

A deep voice sounded from beside his ears, causing Hestia to withdraw his eyes and look in front of him quickly.

"Welcome, what flavor do you want? Barbecue, cream, or red bean? Our recommendation is red bean cream!"

Putting on a formulaic smile, Hestia began to sell enthusiastically before leaving to get off work.

"Have a copy of them all." Miyuki rubbed his stomach and spoke. He happened to be hungry.

You can't eat at the rich hostess all the time.

Tasting delicacies from other worlds is also one of the privileges that travelers can enjoy.

"Thank you for your patronage!"

The generosity of the guests made Hestia very happy. Thinking that the salary paid today was more than yesterday, the goddess worked hard for the meager salary.


Putting some fried potato balls into a paper bag, when the guest took it, Hestia noticed that there was a boy he had never seen before.

God's memory is not bad.

This is especially true for Hestia who works in the market,

Wearing a black windbreaker, with a weapon in his waist, plus that good appearance, this kind of lower-world heterosexual will usually leave a deep impression on the gods.

But... Hestia can vouch for never seeing him.

Pure black eyes, the palms of his hands are free of the calluses that adventurers often have, and short black hair.

That's right!

This is it!

Novice adventurer!

Moreover, it was still wild, and there seemed to be no adventurers who joined the Familia!

Hestia, who was still downcast before, suddenly became full of energy again.

"Excuse me, guest, are you a newcomer to Orario? I haven't seen you before." Hestia asked casually.

"Yes." Miyuki nodded and took a bite of the fried potato balls, the hot cream was overflowing, and the taste was not bad.

"That's it, but if you want to conquer the dungeon, you need to join a family first, so that you can increase your ability value."

Hestia stared into Miyuki's eyes.

"Well, I'm planning to find a family member to join, but it seems that no one is willing to accept a novice like me."

Although Miyuki was trying to deceive Hestia, his words were not wrong.

No family now likes to accept newcomers like him.

Except for the oldest sister of the Artemis family who treats him very well, men are not allowed to join there.

"So, I'll just have to try my luck."

Miyuki was joking.

Hearing these words, Hestia's ponytail was almost raised in excitement.
