Chapter 20 - Fighting Goliath

"Miyuki-sama further ahead is the area where the floor lord Goliath is located. Passing through there is the eighteenth floor of the security level. Do you want to go?" The brown-haired girl in the hood stood behind Miyuki and gave a timely reminder.

After being shocked by the boy's strength, Lili relaxed a lot. Adventurers of this level don't need to play tricks to frame her.

"Goliath?" Miyuki muttered and continued walking forward without looking back.

Soon, after passing through the jagged stone road and entering the corridor, the vision suddenly opened up.

As far as the eye can see is a huge open space.

The tall dome is made of rock, at least a hundred meters high.

The area is about the size of three or four standard football fields, and it is the most spacious area Miyuki has seen so far.

The ground was still paved with rocks, and the atmosphere was extremely quiet as if something was about to break through the ground.

"Miyuki-sama, Goliath seems to have been resurrected," Lili said after she looked into the pitch-black room.

"Step back Lili, I am going to fight Goliath," Miyuki said with an excited smile on his face.

"Miyuki-sama that's Goalith, please think again," Lili said with a touch of concern and worry.

Although she has initially seen Miyuki's strength but she is still worried. So, she can't help reminding Miyuki.

"Don't worry. Just sit back and watch." Miyuki rubbed Lili's little head and stepped into the boss room of Goliath.

"Miyuki-sama,..." Lili looked at Miyuki with worried eyes.

The moment Miyuki stepped foot into the dome, the ground under his feet began to shake without warning, and the entire floor trembled.

As the frequency of the vibration became more and more intense, a huge crack suddenly opened in the wall of the floor.

In the incomparably pitch-black void, a blood-red eye suddenly opened, and the huge scarlet eyeball stared straight at Miyuki, the gaze was full of resentment and killing intent.


There seemed to be the sound of rocks collapsing in the gap, and two huge black arms stretched out from the crack, pulling at the two sections of the crack, and forcibly propped it open.

At this time, the monster had stretched out its shoulders and arms, and when half of its upper body was exposed, it roared deafeningly toward Miyuki.


The roar that seemed to be screaming broke out like a real shock wave.

"Is this Goliath? It's a good monster to exercise ability value." Miyuki looked at Goalith and muttered.

Killing monsters weaker than oneself can not obtain much experience. The reason why Miyuki targeted Goliath is because of this.

Goliath is almost the same as him if doesn't release high-barrage magic.

Although Miyuki's strength is enough to rival level 6 but that's only when he is using magic. If he fights with physical strength alone then he can only rival Lv4 adventurers.

Because his physical strength is lower than Goliath but his strength is almost the same, it can be said that Goliath is a good sparing partner.

So, if Miyuki fights Goliath then his ability value will increase rapidly.

Since Goalith can help him increase his stat, Miyuki is naturally excited to fight him.

The grayish-brown giant hugged its huge body, roared and rushed over, and slammed down on Miyuki fiercely with its air-tearing fist.

However, Miyuki seemed to have found his favorite target, his legs were firmly rooted in place, and he also swung his right fist wrapped in magic power.

"Miyuki-sama,..." Lili outside the dome exclaimed. Although she knew Miyuki was physically strong but she didn't expect to fight Goliath head-on.

The size gap between the two, like dust and boulders, is inevitably ironic.

However, it was such a small punch that stood the monster's blow.


The earth seemed to sink an inch out of thin air, but the collision between the body and the stone made the sound of gold and iron clashing, and the surrounding air became frantic, entwining Miyuki and monsters like a hurricane.

The ground under their feet seemed to be in the eye of the wind as if it had not been damaged. However, the aftermath of the explosion spread out, tearing apart the walls not far away.

Miyuki pulled back suddenly, squeezed his fist, and muttered to himself:

"This kind of strength and defense is much stronger than me in physical strength. Goliath should have surpassed most of Lv5 in terms of strength alone."

"Such strength. Goliath is a really good sparing partner." Miyuki looked at Goliath and muttered.

"My ability value should grow a lot tonight." Miyuki shook his fists excitedly.

Goliath saw that he failed to slap the human in front of him to death as expected, he let out an angry roar and swung his hammer-like arm again.

"Kacha" the floor under his feet was cracked, and a figure appeared in front of Goliath, kicking away the swung arm with all his strength.

The staggered arms shattered the ground, but at the moment when Goliath was under the shock force.

With thunder wrapped around his body, Miyuki's strength increased. Seeing Goliath's action, he also rushed forward like a tiger and leopard, leaving an afterimage on the spot, then he spun around in the air, carrying a strong wind and a powerful kick, and kicked Goliath's face fiercely.


With a low muffled sound, Goliath fell heavily to the ground, thunder whizzed into his body and half of his face was burned due to high voltage. It's just the burned parts of his body began to emit red light particles.

Surprisingly, when the light particles emerged, the wounds continued to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally fully recovered.


Goliath roared again!

"Self-regeneration? It's really a good experience giving monster." Miyuki laughed and once again rushed forward.

This time Miyuki used flame, thunder, wind, and various natural forces to attack Goliath while fighting it head-on.

bang bang bang bang—

Bursts of slamming sounds carrying air waves sounded one after another, and during this period, there was also the sound of the ground and walls exploding.

Dust filled the air, flame, thunder, lightning, wind, ice, and various forces like natural disasters covered the entire battlefield, and the entire dom was constantly trembling.

Lili looked at the fight between a human and a monster inside the dome with shocked eyes.

She never expected the high-level adventurer who saved her to be so strong.


On the security floor of the 18th basement floor, the Loki family members who returned from the expedition were discussing today's harvest while discussing where to go to celebrate.

The leader is a small team composed of six people.

The ceiling made of crystal trembled and a shard fell off, making them look up at the same time as if they had made an appointment.


Some voices passed through the floors and entered the ears of several people.

"This is... the voice of Goliath?!" The rather petite human race spoke.

It is obvious that the words of this little human race are full of strong confidence and boldness that cannot be denied by his petite body.

This is of course, although he looks like a child, but he is the leader of one of the most powerful familias of Orario - the head of the Loki family - Finn.

It is a well-known existence to the adventurers in the whole of Orario and even the whole world.

A pair of Amazon sisters with wheat-colored skin and revealing clothes spoke first.

"Huh?" Tiona cheered up as if she had finally encountered something interesting when she was bored, she yelled, "That means someone is fighting Goliath right now?!"

"Idiot! Is this obvious?" Tione gave Tiona a sideways glance.

"Captain, I..."

A beautiful girl with shiny blond hair, and perfect facial features but an expressionless face walked in front of Finn holding the sword hilt on her waist.

She is the well-known sword princess, Ais from the "Loki Familia".

"Ais, I understand what you mean, let's go and have a look together."

"It just so happened that I was also very curious as to which adventurer and Goliath's battle had caused such a big commotion. " Finn showed a smile. He understood that although the girl is not good at expressing herself, she has a very kind heart.

She must be worrying about the people fighting at this time.

"Hmph, who else could it be?" Bete, the half-orc with wolf ears and tail, pouted: "In the whole of Orario, there are only a few who can defeat Goliath. Those who can make such noise are even rarer. So, the one who is fighting now may be the pigman Ottar of the Freya family."

Hearing this, Riveria, a very tall elf who took care of the family members like a mother, also frowned.

The Freya family and the Loki family are one of the best families in Orario city, and they can be regarded as competitors with each other, and the two are quite at odds.

"Well, that being said, you have to see it with your own eyes to be sure, aren't you curious?" Tiona said with a bold smile. She has always been the one with the most curiosity. If she doesn't confirm the identity of this adventurer, she will definitely not be able to sleep at night.

"Let's go." As the head of the group, Finn nodded, and the next moment, a group of people rushed towards the source of the battle...

However, when they reached the seventeenth floor, the first thing they felt was the trembling earth, and then they saw a group of shivering Minotaurs hiding under stones.

"No way..." Tiona let out an unbelievable exclamation: "Who can cause such commotion and spread it to the whole floor?"

"An ordinary adventurer shouldn't cause such a big commotion."

A wise light flashed in Finn's eyes, and he said loudly: "I'm afraid either there is some kind of mutation in the dungeon that we haven't seen before or the adventurer fighting is too strong in terms of firepower."

"If it's the first one then if it's not the pigman Ottar fighting, then the group of adventurers is probably in danger.

"If it's the second one..." Before Finn could finish speaking, he saw Ais sprint up.

Before Finn finished speaking, Ais who was silent beside her, lit up with a blue light, which was the skill she was most proud of - Wind Spirit Sprint.

Ais who used the skill seemed to have turned into a breeze, and her forward speed was raised to another level.


Seeing this, the few people following behind could only grit their teeth and speed up.


Thunder, lightning, flame, ice, etc. Miyuki used fantasy materialization to create natural disaster-like attacks and attacked Goliath like a raging wave.

Wrapping his body with magic power, he fought Goliath head-on while unleashing magic attacks.

Goliath on other hand used his arm as a hammer to destroy Miyuki's magic attacks and continuously hit Miyuki's body.

If Goliath could only fight hard because of his huge body and couldn't dodge flexibly, then Miyuki deliberately suffered a certain amount of damage while dodging.

As he said before, everything he does now is for exercise and to gain enough experience.

This was an unfair fight!

Of course, Goliath, a tool man of the dungeon doesn't know what fairness is. He just keeps fighting against Miyuki like an iron fool.

Where it is broken, it will be repaired, and it will get up after falling, just like a tireless machine.


Amidst the sky-shattering roar, the terrifying impact swept away like a storm, cutting the gravel caused by the battle into pieces, and sending up waves of sand and dust.

However, the sand and dust hadn't diffused yet, and flame, lightning, etc. attacked.


Another huge explosion appeared and the seventeenth floor once again shook.

Immediately afterward, at the center of the impact, a figure flew out backward with an ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air, staggered a few steps, stepped on several small pits, and barely stopped.

Miyuki's eyes were fixed on Goliath, he took a breath and sighed helplessly: "The magic power is almost used up... It seems that today's training can only end here."

At this time, Goliath on the opposite side was emitting red light particles all over his body, and he couldn't continue to act until the repair was completed.

And on the other side—

"Treading" Accompanied by the light landing sound, Ais rushed to the battle site first, and then she was stunned by the sights around her.

On the seventeenth floor, there is an open space surrounded by flame, thunder, lightning, wind, etc. Several huge potholes of tens of meters seem to have been blasted open.

Even the surrounding walls haven't been kept intact, with cobweb-like cracks flame and lightning flashed everywhere.

Ais clenched her fist and looked at the battlefield intently. She wanted to know who was fighting Goliath. What was his strength?

Afterward, other people also arrived one after another, also shocked by the devastated battlefield and speechless.

"Tsk, someone is here..."

Miyuki is not surprised by this, after all, it is time to return.

But this also means that it is time to deal with the poor tool man Goliath.

So, with the only remaining magic power gathered, Miyuki condensed a purple-red ball like Rasengan. In fact, Miyuki copied the fourth Hokage's trick from Naruto and used fantasy materialization to create it. It's just, he added high-voltage thunder and flame inside it.

Looking at Goliath, Miyuki threw the purple-red ball toward it then he rushed toward Lili and protected her behind him.

Due to Miyuki's adjustments, Purple-red flew at high speed and accurately hit Goliath.


An explosion of tens of meter radius once again appeared. The only difference from the previous few times is the highly concentrated flame and thunder inside the explosion.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Goliath wailed loudly and then disappeared.

It wasn't just Goliath that disappeared during this attack. Even the monster crystal of Goliath was destroyed under high-intensity flame and lightning.

Looking at the monster crystal which was disappearing under his attack Miyuki felt heartache.

"...Miyuki-sama, I am still alive." Lili looked at the doomsday-like scene and spoke in a trembling tone.

Lili never experienced such a thrilling scene as a supporter. She was really scared that she might die in the aftermath of a human and a monster or in the hands of nearby monsters.

Thankfully, Miyuki cared a lot about her and cleared the battlefield while fighting Goliath. If not, Lili doesn't know whether she will still be alive.

"Calm down, everything is fine. Don't worry." Miyuki gently held Lili and comforted her.

"Woooo..." Lili cried out all her grievance in Miyuki's arms. She was really scared just now.

After crying, Lili calmed down and looked at Ais and others not far away.

It was only then that Miyuki shifted his gaze to the few people who came suddenly. There was no doubt that they were all from the Loki family, and they were the leaders who deserved their names.
